Marilou- Help me to become a Mom. Financial help
Marilou- Help me to become a Mom. Financial help
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Whitby, Ontario (CA)
Marilou Gomez is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Campaign Story
My name is Marilou. And I’m ttc for 7 years . I have low AMH , 4rth failed IUI and Im no longer qualified for IVF because Im over 43. The doctor advice me in able for me to conceive is using egg donor. I’m so frustrated after all the long journey, heart ache, feeling lost and everything still I want to become Mother! But why is so expensive to have a baby? I don’t know what to do i hope and pray I’m going to hold my baby in my arms one day…
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Marilou Gomez is organizing this fundraiser.