Need your support to become a mother

Falls Church, VA (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Need your support to become a mother

by Manisha Karki

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $50,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $50,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Falls Church, VA (US)

Manisha Karki is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi, my name is Manisha , and my husband is Prad. I had never thought I would be starting a fundraiser asking for help but after 9 years of trying to conceive naturally we have hit a point where we just need some additional support!

We got married in 2014 and started trying to conceive in 2015. We were so excited when we found out we were pregnant on our first try. Then, a few weeks later, we got the news that we had a chemical pregnancy (miscarriage). There is truly nothing you can do to prepare for the hurt that comes from finally getting what you have dreamed of, and then having it taken away so quickly. Little did we know this was just the beginning of our journey. It is now 2023 and we are still trying trying trying…..

In 2019, I got pregnant again, confirmed by blood test. Based on my history of unexplained infertility, my ob/gyn checked my hcg levels every other day to make sure the numbers were doubling. I would get a call from my nurse after every blood test assuring me that the hcg levels were doubling as they should and everything was normal. This lab work continued for 8 weeks and I was called into the office for an ultrasound. The doctor connected her ultrasound machine to a bigger monitor so that me and my husband could see better. We were holding hands in excitement and our eyes were already watering. Unfortunately, no egg sac was seen. The doctor looked a little deeper and said I had an ectopic pregnancy. Since it had been 8 weeks and the baby already had heartbeats, she recommended I should go to the emergency asap to get my tube removed. We were devastated by this news. What should have been the tears of joy turned into tears of sorrow in seconds.

After surgery, we received from the doctor the very hard news that the only way we can have a baby of our own is through IVF. I only have one working ovary but no fallopian tube which makes it impossible to conceive naturally. This news has been very devastating!

Based on my medical history, our fertility doctor has recommended several mini IVF cycles to avoid overstimulation. So far, we have done 3 cycles of IVF which has now exhausted my coverage for both medication and treatment.

Infertility/ IVF is already such an emotional process, and adding the stress of finances has been incredibly tough. Prad and I have found strength between the two of us and have lived out this season of silent waiting for 9 long years. We have always wanted children, and although this has been the most challenging journey, we just hope and pray that one day we’ll have the family we always dreamed possible. Thanks so much for your love and donation!
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