Neubauer Fertility Journey

Brownton, MN (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Neubauer Fertility Journey

by Jenna Neubauer

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $855.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$855.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Brownton, MN (US)

Jenna Neubauer is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Helping to fund our journey to our rainbow baby ?

Hi, friends and family.

I realize it’s been a while since we’ve updated on our fertility journey, with intentionality. It has been 3 years now since we took the first step to grow our family and has been 1 grueling year of IVF treatments, unfortunately not leading to a single successful pregnancy. This journey has been nothing less than a roller coaster for us: 3 failed IUI’s, 1 failed IVF cycle, 1 miracle pregnancy and missed miscarriage, 1 D&C, a second IVF cycle, and 3 failed transfers. After a spontaneous pregnancy, failing to fall pregnant by ways of the most innovative procedures science can offer has been heartbreaking, to say the least.

We’re currently going into a third, and potentially last, egg retrieval. This is not a commitment we’ve set in stone, but we know we’re in for at least one more as just not quite done fighting, despite the numerous previous failures. As some of you had seen, we’ve also been through a gambit when it comes to clinics. We made an initial decision to travel for IVF as to save money via my health insurance and overall cheaper treatment costs. As many have seen, we’ve made Colorado Springs a second home of sorts throughout the process. Unfortunately (yes, I have to use that word again) their clinic is undergoing extensive updating and we cannot perform our next retrieval there. Time to pivot – again.

While we’ve adjusted “well” (I’m not sure that’s the right word but I guess we could argue it) to all the roadblocks, our finances simply have not. Amidst treatment we’ve encountered other “normal” adult expenses – home ownership, vehicle maintenance, vet bills (a LOT of those… oh Kya), and other general medical expenses. We’ve also recently encountered other extensive financial matters that we must tend to without question. It’s just been… a lot.

Yes, we still feel good about our decision to travel, but we had hoped that by now, we’d have a baby or at least one on the way. We’ve done much of this on our own, but not without help from our family and friends. Every time someone has watched the animals, given us extra cash for gas, travel, food, etc., or even just given words of encouragement, that hasn’t gone unnoticed or unappreciated. We continue to get asked how others can help and frankly, money is what speaks right now. I wish it weren’t. I wish we weren’t in the position to have to ask. I wish we weren’t in the position to have to go through this at all, but here we are…

I know this is not a suitable way for everyone to help. Sometimes money is tight (trust me, we know!) and there’s obviously no obligations here. Even if all you can or would like to do is share this as you see fit, we’d be extremely grateful. What I would ask is that you continue to pray for and think of us as we continue to navigate through this. It’s been unfathomably difficult. I hope so much that our time of waiting is almost over and we end up with what we’ve prayed so hard for. We love you all. Thank you for everything the past 3 years and for everything you’ll continue to do beyond. Our appreciation is beyond words.

Gramy and papa Neubauer commented with a $200 donation about 3 years ago
We are praying for this little one. Never give up on hope and remember God's plan is the greater one. He never will take something from us without giving us something better.
Chase Miller commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
Thinking of you guys! Wishing you the best on this journey!!
Jordan Skeates-Strommen commented with a $200 donation about 3 years ago
Rebecca Twaddle commented with a $35 donation about 3 years ago
Rooting and praying for your family!
Anonymous commented with a $10 donation about 3 years ago
It isn’t much at all, but I pray it will move you toward an earth-side babe, even if ever so slightly.
Brooke Hardman commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
Love you both! Continuing to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. ? -Hardman family