Oh, Baby!

Created 2 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Oh, Baby!

by Calie Swedberg

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $25,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $7,895.00

    Funds Raised
  • 257

    Days to go
$7,895.00 raised of $25,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount

Calie Swedberg is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

We’re Calie and Natasha. We were first drawn to one another by our shared goal of starting a family. We fell in love as we discovered how truly ourselves we could be in each other’s presence. We both love travel, art, and gathering with friends to play games and tell stories. Natasha has been working hard on a new degree to secure a job that will help sustain our family, while Calie settles into a new career of mental health counseling, specializing in working with young children. We’re also planning a wedding for next summer. We’re doing it all at once!

You’re reading this here because it is our dream to become parents, and as two women in our mid-thirties, we do not want to wait. We’re planning the most affordable wedding we can, but getting pregnant, in our case, comes with a huge price tag. We’ve chosen to pursue reciprocal IVF, allowing for each of us to be an integral part of making our baby–Natasha’s eggs will be used to create an embryo, Calie will carry the pregnancy. The procedure, with medications, will cost us close to $30,000. It is not uncommon for it to take multiple rounds of IVF to bring home a baby.

As you’re all aware, the months leading into a wedding can be expensive for both the bride and bride as well as their friends and family. Fortunately, we already have a blender, bathroom towels, and a toaster oven. Our home is as put together as you would expect from two women in their 30s. Our needs are just a little different than that of a young, newly-married couple.

Our loved ones have encouraged us to ask for what we need, and so, humbly, here we are. Thank you for taking the time to hear our story. There are so many worthy causes to offer your money to right now, and we will accept each donation with tremendous gratitude.

  • 08-17-2024

    huge thanks!

    Friends, family, mystery donors,

    We are so blown away and overcome with gratitude for your generosity. In just a couple of weeks, our community has made such an impact. Having all of your support is not only a huge help in making our IVF journey possible, but a reminder of what love surrounds us and our future children. It takes a village, as they say, and wow, what a beautiful village we have found ourselves in.

    There are a few big life things that we're hoping to smooth out before officially plunging into next steps with the fertility clinic. As of now, we've done most of the testing required at the early stages, and all signs point to things looking good and healthy!

    If you would enjoy receiving a handwritten thank you via snail mail, please send your address along to one of us (we can only see your email when you donate). We'd love to extend our thanks with something a little more tangible than a text or email (and if you don't know, Calie has really nice handwriting).

    Lots of love,
    Calie and Natasha

Name Donation Date
Amy Lambert $100.00 September 07, 2024
Alexa Glomb $100.00 September 03, 2024
Tammi West $300.00 September 02, 2024
John Dinger $100.00 August 27, 2024
Anonymous $100.00 August 21, 2024
Chantael Takeuchi $25.00 August 21, 2024
Hannah Simmons $25.00 August 21, 2024
John Dewey $30.00 August 21, 2024
Anonymous $100.00 August 20, 2024
Alexis Modula $100.00 August 20, 2024
Aidan Sakakini $50.00 August 20, 2024
Desiree Rivera $100.00 August 18, 2024
Sarah Butler $30.00 August 18, 2024
Alice Gosti $50.00 August 17, 2024
Cherie Ann Park $100.00 August 16, 2024
John and Laura $100.00 August 14, 2024
Pierce Mcintyre $100.00 August 13, 2024
Leav Julius $75.00 August 13, 2024
Victoria Jocson $50.00 August 13, 2024
Christopher Kangas $300.00 August 13, 2024
Emily Brady $100.00 August 12, 2024
Anonymous $250.00 August 12, 2024
Leanna Eik $41.00 August 12, 2024
Rebecca Abramson $100.00 August 12, 2024
Rowan Hammer $30.00 August 12, 2024
Austin Murphy $50.00 August 12, 2024
Diane Brunet $1,000.00 August 12, 2024
Josh Swedberg $1,000.00 August 08, 2024
Scott Davis $200.00 August 07, 2024
M Sides $100.00 August 06, 2024
Shane Abowitt $50.00 August 04, 2024
Barbara Soallino $200.00 August 04, 2024
Mei-Ling Morrison-Beals $100.00 August 04, 2024
Emily Cabrera $50.00 August 03, 2024
Jacqueline Blackmore $100.00 August 03, 2024
Andrew Van Kempen $50.00 August 03, 2024
Maddie Peacock $100.00 August 03, 2024
Angela Trunzo $50.00 August 03, 2024
Leah Fishbaugh $50.00 August 03, 2024
Cornelia Kirking $35.00 August 02, 2024
Timothy White $20.00 August 02, 2024
Megan Telzrow $150.00 August 02, 2024
William Friedman $20.00 August 02, 2024
Janah Shellum $100.00 August 02, 2024
Frances Wolfe $20.00 August 01, 2024
Rosa Vissers $25.00 August 01, 2024
Rob Green $50.00 August 01, 2024
Matthew Turnbull $69.00 August 01, 2024
Janelle Weldin-Frisch $200.00 August 01, 2024
Jason Stark $100.00 August 01, 2024
Doreen McIntyre $100.00 August 01, 2024
Mara Krinke $100.00 August 01, 2024
Lauren Brazell $100.00 August 01, 2024
Peggy Piacenza $50.00 August 01, 2024
Kerrick Olson $150.00 August 01, 2024
Rachael Lincoln $100.00 August 01, 2024
Sadie Wentz $100.00 August 01, 2024
Brook Greenberg $50.00 August 01, 2024
Anonymous $250.00 August 01, 2024
Sophie Statnekov $50.00 August 01, 2024
Timothy White $500.00 August 01, 2024
Alexa Glomb commented with a $100 donation about 2 weeks ago
Luv u homos <3
Tammi West commented with a $300 donation about 2 weeks ago
I m excited to go through this journey with you and I cant wait to add a new baby to our family. I babysit for free. :) Love auntie Tammi
John Dinger commented with a $100 donation about 3 weeks ago
So excited for you! Love you tons
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation about 4 weeks ago
You will be amazing parents. Good luck with the process 💚
Chantael Takeuchi commented with a $25 donation about 4 weeks ago
I love you very much and am so looking to your future and the beautiful family you will create. :) crying! Sorry can’t help much but thinking of you.
Hannah Simmons commented with a $25 donation about 4 weeks ago
Desiree Rivera commented with a $100 donation about 4 weeks ago
Me and Dan-vy are rooting for you two! <3
Sarah Butler commented with a $30 donation about 4 weeks ago
Oh my gosh, you are going to be the best parents, I just know it. This makes me feel so happy and so hopeful. Congratulations <3 <3 <3
Cherie Ann Park commented with a $100 donation about 1 month ago
Stoked for you guys!!
Leav Julius commented with a $75 donation about 1 month ago
Sending all my love!! Y’all are about to be the BEST parents ❤️
Christopher Kangas commented with a $300 donation about 1 month ago
So excited for you!!!
Emily Brady commented with a $100 donation about 1 month ago
Lots of love!!
Rowan Hammer commented with a $30 donation about 1 month ago
Remember when Natasha had her first date with Callie and was giddy about it telling us all about it at work. Wishing you guys luck with baby making :)
Diane Brunet commented with a $1000 donation about 1 month ago
Happy parenting to you, and happy birthday to your best friend Keith! From a loving auntie.
Josh Swedberg commented with a $1000 donation about 1 month ago
Scott Davis commented with a $200 donation about 1 month ago
So excited for you two on this next adventure!
M Sides commented with a $100 donation about 1 month ago
I Love love LOVE you I love your LOVE and ALL the LOVE you share 💝
Shane Abowitt commented with a $50 donation about 1 month ago
Emily Cabrera commented with a $50 donation about 1 month ago
Lots of love! Emily and fam
Jacqueline Blackmore commented with a $100 donation about 1 month ago
From Ana and I 😚
Andrew Van Kempen commented with a $50 donation about 1 month ago
Love love love.
Maddie Peacock commented with a $100 donation about 1 month ago
happy engagement and happy making a baby! sending lots of love to you both ♥️
Leah Fishbaugh commented with a $50 donation about 1 month ago
Love you both! Let's make baby happen.
Cornelia Kirking commented with a $35 donation about 1 month ago
So happy to support you, Natasha! (And you too, Calie though we haven't met 💗)
Megan Telzrow commented with a $150 donation about 1 month ago
Jim and I are so excited for you two to become parents! We are here for you all along your journey. xo
Janah Shellum commented with a $100 donation about 2 months ago
Congratulations and best of luck! What an exciting adventure for both of you!
Janelle Weldin-Frisch commented with a $200 donation about 2 months ago
What a beautiful way to celebrate your relationship.
Jason Stark commented with a $100 donation about 2 months ago
Mozel tov and good luck on your journey!
Doreen McIntyre commented with a $100 donation about 2 months ago
Sending love your way.
Mara Krinke commented with a $100 donation about 2 months ago
All the best girls! 🥰
Lauren Brazell commented with a $100 donation about 2 months ago
Love you and and am over the moon about this! Glad to help how I can ❤️
Rachael Lincoln commented with a $100 donation about 2 months ago
I wish I had a spare million… you two will be such amazing parents. ♥️
Anonymous commented with a $250 donation about 2 months ago
So excited for you guys <3