Jasmines & Morgans Ivf journey

Columbus , Ohio (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Jasmines & Morgans Ivf journey

by Jasmine Mccoy

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $98.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$98.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Columbus , Ohio (US)

Jasmine Mccoy is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hello all, my name is Jasmine McCoy and I just turned 22 on October 6, 2022. In 2016, I met my now fiancé Morgan Rush. She is my world and I’d want nothing more than to have a family and grow old with her. My high school sweet heart. Approximately March of 2021, around the time I was on my monthly cycle I noticed a lump on my lower belly. In the early stages of the unexpected, I was under the impression that maybe I was just bloated and it would go away. That was indeed not the case. It began getting larger and unbearably painful. So painful to the point where I had to go to the Emergency room. I went to OSU with my fingers crossed that this softball sized lump bulging out of my stomach was nothing more than an abscess that needed drained. My fiancé Morgan and I waited at the ER for hours before being seen and had no clue what news we were about to receive. After 12 hours waiting at the hospital and extensive testing being ran on me the doctor came to deliver some heart wrenching news. The doctor came in with a face that said it all before she even spoke. That night I was diagnosed with a softball sized potentially cancerous cyst on my ovaries. My heart was shattered into a million pieces. Our lives have changed within a matter of 24 hours. We want nothing more than to have a family of our own. So the thought of anything coming in the way of our future family is unimaginably heartbreaking. At 21 years old I underwent a 4 hour risky surgery in hopes of them removing both the softball size cyst from my ovaries as well as smaller cysts that had formed around the large one. The doctors didn’t not know the extent of this horror until taking a further look. After the surgery I was woken up to be told that the only way to remove all the cysts meant that they had to remove an ovary and a half. They said I was at risk to go through menopause at the age of 21. I had a half of an ovary left. 21 is the age where your supposed to be in your prime. Im supposed to be happy and enjoying my young life without having to worry about fertility issues. My fiancé and I have been trying to start our family for a year and a half now. We just got the news recently that IUI is not longer an option for us and IVF would be the next step in our fertility journey. I still have a very healthy uterus that is more than capable of carrying a fetus. I appreciate you even stopping to read my story and if you could donate anything to help me build my family it would be greatly appreciated. A family that I’ve dreamt of since I was a little girl. It would mean the absolute world to us. Even $5 would put us that much closer then we were before.

Name Donation Date
Elisabeth Gearheart $50.00 November 10, 2022
Makenzie Amos $20.00 November 10, 2022
Nikita Conley $8.00 November 09, 2022
Deandra Marcum $20.00 November 08, 2022
Nikita Conley commented with a $8 donation about 2 years ago
I’m sorry it’s all I had, I read your story and it broke my heart coming from someone who may not be able to have kids I understand 1000% o hope you guys the best