Our family puzzle piece

Liberty, KY (US)
Created 6 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Our family puzzle piece

by Tiffany Emerson

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Liberty, KY (US)

Tiffany Emerson is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Shane and I have been together for 5 years and trying to expand our family for 3 years now. I currently have 2 boys (Roman 11 and Dax 6). Shane has not fathered any children of his own but raise our children no different than if they were his biological children. In July 2022 Shane had his first fertility urologist consultation and testing, abnormal labs indicated he has a hormone imbalance and a more specialized fertility urologist was recommended. Upon going to the next fertility urologist a few months later we discovered he has a left varicocele which was severely impacting his sperm production. March 2023 he had corrective surgery to help with his infertility issues to help us improve our chances to have any procedure done to be able to concieve. Since we have had several follow ups, a total of 5 semen analysis and still our chances to concieve naturally are not ideal. My own story has not been one of great success when having children, after having my first baby (Roman) that was delivered emergency c-section due to his cord being wrapped around his neck, shortly after delivery I had complications from a PE in my left lungs. I was hospitalized for a total of 5 days after child birth with a regime of lovenox shots during my duration and then being discharged with a prescription of Coumadin for 6 months. I was severely anemic and it was hard to control my PT/INR during that time so several blood draws a week had to be performed during the duration of that medication. 1 week postpartum I developed a hematoma in my c-section incision, the hematoma was removed and I was left to pack my incision. 1 month postpartum I was admitted back to the hospital with an uncontrollable fever, the fever was caused by another hematoma in my incision located at the bottom of one of my “tunnels” being infected. Another procedure was preform to retrieve and remove the infected hematoma, from there a woundvac was placed in my incision for 6 weeks to help with my healing process. I healing took some time but I was back to normal around 9 weeks postpartum. I was referred to a hematologist and discovered that during pregnancy when my progesterone levels rise I have a clotting factor, upon having more children throughout my pregnancy I have to administer lovenox injections and then switch to heparin closer to delivery. 3 years after having Roman I then experienced a tremendous loss, August 8, 2015 my daughter was born resulting in a stillbirth at 38 weeks and 5 days she was absolutely beautiful with no noticeable defects weighing 7lbs 6oz and 21 inches long. Since no noticeable abnormalities were present I refused to have an autopsy preform on my perfect baby girl. Getting pregnant with Dax one year after my daughter’s birth was a suprise and he has been a blessing ever since. But during my pregnancy with his I was referred to high risk OB, the OB doctor had done some research into stillbirth defects and was very knowledgeable about the heart valve that remains open until after birth, sometimes closing before birth causing stillbirths. Throughout my pregnancy his heart was checked constantly and he was delivered via c-section at 38 weeks weighing 8lbs 14oz and 20 inches long. My pregnancies and births may not have went as planned or expected in the past but that does not stop me from wanting to complete our family. Shane is a wonderful father, a caring and hard working man. Dax is constantly talking about wanting to be a big brother and both of my boys are healthy, happy and very active. We want an opportunity to make us whole and put our final puzzle piece into place by being able to concieve one last time.