Our Greatest Adventure

Hernando, MS (US)
Created 5 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Our Greatest Adventure

by Lynsey Davis

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $30,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $670.00

    Funds Raised
  • 51

    Days to go
$670.00 raised of $30,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Hernando, MS (US)

Lynsey Davis is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Lynsey, and that handsome man pictured, is my loving and amazingly supportive husband, Chris. At the very young age of 15, I began to struggle with abnormally and extremely painful, heavy periods. I was going to the doctor almost every month. Three physicians told me over a span of 4 years, that I was young and that my periods would eventually regulate and become normal. Just before my 20th birthday, and already one miscarriage in, I was told by doctor #4, he had reason to believe that I had endometriosis. I was given two options, Lupron injections or surgery. I opted for the surgery, and his suspicions were correct. There was a sense of relief because there was finally an answer, but a fear of the unknown of what that diagnosis would bring. Well 11 years, a handful of miscarriages, and a shattered heart later, I met the man that I couldn’t even dream of. He has healed a heart he didn’t break and found pieces of me that I thought were lost forever. And along with him, came the greatest bonus daughter I could ever ask for. Together, the three of us want to embark on the wild adventure of IVF. (I say the three of us, because just like her father, she is just as supportive, and I’d never dream of leaving her out of this process.) About a year after she was born, he decided to have a vasectomy. The chances of the reversal and pregnancy being successful, decreased immensely after 10 years. So with my history of fertility struggles and endometriosis, and the odds stacked against us, we are wondering out into the world of IVF and testicular aspiration. We unfortunately do not have fertility coverage through our insurance and our state does not have the mandate to offer or cover fertility treatments. Every little bit will help us in this process and we will be forever grateful to even have the opportunity to grow our family. 💜💜


(I have increased the total amount needed due to having to see more specialist than originally planned, as well as the nature of procedure for Chris. I also extended the timeframe. Unfortunately a reversal and us trying to naturally conceive just isn’t in the cards for us. Plus out of pocket cost for the specific type of folic acid my doctor wants me on to increase my levels before we even begin any further process, isn’t covered by insurance.)

  • 02-04-2025

    First Consultation

    today we had our first consultation with our fertility clinic. We discussed my lengthy history of issues I’ve had with my cycles and recurrent miscarriages. The doctor explained the testing that we will be doing, some of which started today. He also gave us a few options for us to consider in order for us to conceive, but also reminded us that if he have to go with IVF, the total cost of it all. With all of my testing and treatments, and if we have to do IVF, our total cost would be around $30,000 for everything including the first embryo transfer. (That part kind kicked both of us in the gut.) He also stated that if the first transfer didn’t take, each transfer after that is around $7,000.

    (Infertility is a real issue and it’s not discussed nearly enough. I just want to help ease my husband’s mind when it comes to the financial side of treatment. I know I’m facing an uphill battle with the actual process of it all. Every little helps and we appreciate it more than anyone could understand.)

  • 02-04-2025


    As of today I am OFFICIALLY TWO WEEKS off of Myfembree!! I also have received the results for my first set of testing. To say it’s been a rough two weeks, not only mentally, but emotionally as well, is an understatement. I have been beating myself up about what the results of the first set of bloodwork could mean for us and this journey. And even though I may not be able to change the cards that I was dealt, genetically speaking, I know in my heart that God is on our side. We have been praying for even the slightest bit of decent news, and he has definitely shown that he hears us.

    My anti mullerian hormone, (the one that determines a woman’s ovarian reserve), turned out to be a very healthy level. Unfortunately, my Lupus Anticoagulant did come out to be on the very high end of normal, but that’s perfectly okay. I can deal with having to take a baby aspirin or some sort of blood thinner, if that’s what is needed for me to not clot like I did in previous pregnancies.

    We still have a bit of a ways to go, and plenty more testing to have done before we have an idea of which route we will need to take to reach our goal of a healthy pregnancy, but we are more than thankful for our family and friends that are along for this ride and supporting us in every way that they can be. For now, all we can do is continue with what the doctors have recommended as far as testing and making sure that I am healthy enough to conceive and carry, and continue praying for everything to work out in the end.

  • 02-04-2025

    4 week update

    Well we saw the clinic four weeks ago today. Tomorrow will put me at 4 weeks exactly off of Myfembree. To say that my hormones have been up and down, is putting it nicely. Unfortunately, I am still waiting for my cycle to start so I can get the next set of bloodwork and an ultrasound down. (Fingers crossed that it starts soon.) I have had all of the symptoms, but nothing else.

  • 02-04-2025

    Cycle Day 2

    As many of you know, we recently celebrated our first wedding anniversary!! Veterans Day of 2023 we said I DO! Thankfully Mother Nature held off this until the day after. I guess my body decided that since it ruined a lot of the first month that we were married due to the myfembree, that it would be nice to us lol.

    With that being said, I finally started my first cycle after being off the myfembree for 32 days, on November 12. Today I went for my ovarian reserve ultrasound to check the quantity and quality of my eggs. They also drew some blood to check my LH, FSH, AMH, and E2. Next Thursday I go in for the saline ultrasound to check my uterus for any abnormalities. Two weeks after that, we will see the IVF Specialist that will be doing any procedures from there on out.
    The tech did tell me today that from what she could see and tell me, everything looked good. (Which let me relax a bit because my left ovary likes to play catch me if you can anytime an ultrasound is involved.)

    Hopefully I’ll have more updates soon, and as soon as I have them, they will be posted here.

  • 02-04-2025

    Testing Results


    We had our follow up with the doctor that will eventually do the IVF process. Majority of my labs and testing came back with minimal abnormalities. He did voice his concerns about the number of miscarriages that I’ve previously had, abnormalities on karyotyoe/genetic testings I’ve had, and my folic acid deficiency. He is sending me to a maternal fetal medicine provider for further evaluation, as well as starting me on a specific type of folic acid. Unfortunately with the amount of time that has passed since Chris had his vasectomy, our only option for a baby without donor sperm, we absolutely have to do the aspiration, egg retrieval, and embryo transfer. The chances of the reversal taking and having a viable pregnancy, is less than 5%.

    Hopefully this week I will hear from the MFM clinic to get scheduled and get the rest of my results. They did go ahead and draw a new karyotype to see what those results might show.

    As always, we appreciate all of the love and support. Please continue to follow along and share so we can get the word out and reach our goal.

  • 02-04-2025

    Latest News

    The karyotype labs that I had draw in December, came back and the doctor said he didn’t see anything that would raise any further concerns. He is however concerned with a genetic test that was previously done by my cardiologist. I have appointments set with a genetic counselor and maternal fetal medicine to discuss any potential risks to myself and/or a baby.

    Chris has seen the urologist that will do his TESE procedure. He has come off testosterone and has started clomid and anastrozole to help increase his sperm count. He goes back in April for more bloodwork and we will discuss scheduling his procedure during that appointment.

    Depending on what is said during my next two appointments, and during his, we will proceed with the aspiration and the egg retrieval.

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $50.00 December 07, 2024
Anonymous $50.00 November 08, 2024
Anonymous $50.00 October 10, 2024
Anonymous $500.00 October 10, 2024
Anonymous $20.00 October 10, 2024