Our IVF Journey to Baby Guzman
Our IVF Journey to Baby Guzman
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Tifanny Contreras is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Our names are Tifanny and Gilbert, we have been trying for Baby Guzman for about four years without success. Over the years I’ve had chemical pregnancies and early miscarriages, this is something that has been mentally and emotionally draining. We always try to approach this in a positive way and stay optimistic but after multiple losses it’s hard; however, what still remains is hope. I never imagined being in this position today.
We officially started TTC in January of 2022, I spoke to my doctor about having difficulty conceiving and she immediately took action and assisted in all that she could. Due to my PCOS diagnosis, my doctor advised to surgically remove a cyst which was on the left ovary, during surgery my doctor realized that the cyst was not on the ovary but rather inside my left Fallopian tube (paratubal cyst), due to this removal and HSG I was notified that my right tube is open but possibly would have a blocked left tube. I have not done an HSG since so I cannot confirm if my left Fallopian tube in fact is blocked.
After surgery, I was given four rounds of Letrozole which successfully helped me ovulate but unfortunately did not work. I was then advised to seek assistance from an REI.
Our first REI appointment was in August of 2022, we were very excited and eager to be one step closer to Baby Guzman. We were given a breakdown of how much the IVF treatment is but our insurance does not cover any of the treatment. Therefore leaving us with making the full payment of roughly $13,500 only for one transfer.
One try of IVF: $7,200
Frozen Embryo Transfer: $3,000
Medications: $2,000-$3,000
Anesthesia Fee: $350
PGT Testing: $3,400
Since August of 2022, we decided to take a break and get healthy overall. It’s been a little over a year so the prices are probably different now, but we are eager to start our IVF journey very soon.
We know that during these difficult times it’s not always easy to donate; we would wholeheartedly appreciate a prayer. If you would kindly donate we would forever be grateful regardless of the amount.
It’s not easy publicly sharing this information, we have kept this battle a secret for so long but I know with prayers, love, positive vibes and hope we will get to have our baby soon.
We want to thank you in advance for taking your time and reading our story.
In addition, if you would like to follow our story on instagram please feel free. @waiting.forbabyg
With love,
Tifanny & Gilbert
New Surgery
Hello All 🥰,
I just wanted to provide an update. I met with a new OBGYN, after review of all my medical history he suggested a surgery called Ovarian Drilling. (I’ve never heard of this before). He suggested this surgery would hopefully work with resolving some issues with PCOS. He states by drilling 8 tiny holes on each ovary, the high androgen levels will lower and result in a balance of my hormones which will help me ovulate on my own (hopefully) and regulate my cycles! I’m so excited. I really hope this helps, there is no guarantee of course but hoping that goes well. My follow up appointment is on 3/13/24. I will provide another update then. 🤞🏻
Name | Donation | Date |
Anonymous | $50.00 | November 09, 2023 |
Anonymous | $300.00 | November 08, 2023 |
Vanessa Hernandez | $30.00 | October 20, 2023 |
Monica Guzman | $50.00 | October 20, 2023 |
Arabella Mcdonald | $50.00 | October 20, 2023 |

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Tifanny Contreras is organizing this fundraiser.