Our IVF Journey to Baby George
Our IVF Journey to Baby George
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Jenny George is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our journey to parenthood! We are so grateful to have such an amazing team of supporters that have been rooting for us from day one!
Our names are Jenny & Brad George, & I would like to begin this by telling a little background to our journey in our path to growing our family. My husband and I are high school sweethearts! From the second I laid my eyes on Brad, I knew there was something so incredibly special about him & I just had to know more about him! We fell in love so quickly even being just young teenagers & still to this day, 14 years later that man makes my heart flutter to no end! We’ve gone through life’s toughest struggles together and our love has never once wavered. We got married in August of 2015 & from there on out we really started beginning our journey into trying to conceive. We have ALWAYS had such high hopes in becoming parent’s. In our mind’s there is nothing more exciting than the thought of a little human being that we created together calling us mommy and daddy. We could’ve NEVER been prepared for what the next 8 years had in store for us. We have suffered 3 heart wrenching miscarriage’s, all pretty much within a years span of each other. We made it to a heartbeat with our first pregnancy, and then with our following appointment we heard the worse words imaginable, “there is no longer a heart beat” just thinking about that day brings a rush of tears to my eyes. A year passed and we conceived again, my levels were not at a healthy level for a viable pregnancy. The dr again told us the worse news ever. “I’m sorry but things aren’t looking good” and then they confirmed I was having a miscarriage again. The following year we conceived again, and went in for a ultrasound pretty early only to be told the only thing showing on the ultrasound was a blighted ovum which is a empty sac. Three losses was and still is to this day so incredibly painful. We continued to try conceiving naturally hoping and praying that we would get our miracle, 5 years passed and we weren’t even getting pregnant at this point. Amongst being absolutely heartbroken between all the losses & months & years going by of not getting pregnant, we were so incredibly confused as to why pregnancy was no longer happening for us. We started seeking fertility treatment and after many test’s we got a diagnosis of myself having pcos, polysystic ovarian syndrome which can make it difficult to conceive. Aside from all that, it was also discovered that my husband had what is called varicocele’s. The actual definition of varicocele’s is: “Varicoceles often produce no symptoms but can cause low sperm production and decreased sperm quality, leading to infertility. “ The positive thing about that diagnosis is, varicocele is treatable. Brad had underwent a surgery to reconstruct the blockage that was preventing sperm from passing through & now we are in a much better fertility range. We finally saw the light again. Our new dr has gone through and done every test on us under the sun.. and has even suggested that I may have been falsely diagnosed with my pcos a few years back based on recent blood work. He told me he isn’t absolutely convinced that I have pcos.. & The only thing he is leaning towards is, I am knocking on the door to becoming a Type 2 diabetic. Literally a few number’s away. I have been able to maintain it through diet change and so far so good! My Dr has stated that I may also have some light endometriosis, but he is pretty confident that’s not why we’re not conceiving being both my tubes are open and showed no issues on ultrasound. The only way to officially diagnose me with endometriosis would be to do a laparoscopy surgery. He doesn’t want to risk me having that done and all of a sudden wind up having potential damage to my tubes, so we’re deciding against that.. at least for now.. we may decide to go for the surgery further down the road. We have such an incredible dr that is fighting tooth and nail to help us! He said at this point Brad and I have Unexplained Infertility, sadly many couples undergo this terrible diagnosis. My fallopian tubes are open & I produce Eggs & ovulate on my own, & Brad’s producing on his end well. It’s incredibly frustrating to have a dr tell you it’s unexplained as to why your not conceiving. I’m an answer kind of girl.. and having those words said to us is hard. We’ve underwent 6 medicated cycles with just straight (follicle stimulation medicine) and timed intercourse, 5 failed IUI’s (inter-uterine insemination’s) with injections. And still have had zero luck with conceiving. Even after Brad’s surgery & myself having a tubal flushing. We are currently on year 8 of Trying to conceive. To say it’s been hard would be a serious understatement..
My body was responding well to all the medications & Brad’s analysis came back the best it ever has! Things seemed so promising! Our dr is now at the steps where he’s recommending to us, IVF with icsi. He said that will give him much more control, to make sure the sperm reaches my egg, icsi will inject the sperm into my egg under a microscope with a needle. And then our embryo’s will be very closely monitored under a microscope and all will be pgt tested. Our dr said this will help minimize our risk of another miscarriage by making sure our embryo’s are genetically healthy and viable for pregnancy. They will transfer the healthiest one’s. I will also be on a high dose of progesterone to help keep our baby/babies growing and lessen our risk of another miscarriage. With all these treatments we have under went, we have spent thousands and thousands of dollars. On top of having the emotional sadness of them all not working, there is the financial side to on how are we able to afford all of this month after month, with still maintaining our normal every day life with bill’s & also keeping up with a business. I recently started working at Tractor Supply. I was recommended this option by a woman in my infertility support group. And i’m eternally grateful. She told me all the amazing benefits they offer, all for working a minimum of 10 hours a week. It works perfect with having my salon. I immediately did my own research and went and applied. I was extremely honest during my interview about the reasoning as to why I was looking for another job & that I would be so eternally grateful to receive the fertility benefits they offer. I got hired on the day of my interview. They appreciated my honesty and my desire to do whatever it takes for us to become parent’s. Being a mom is all I’ve ever wanted to be, And my husband is going to be the most incredible dad one day to our miracle. We have to pay our deductible up front before our new insurance will kick in and start covering any treatments. We have to bring our account down back down to zero at our fertility clinic in order to keep pursuing. We are so close! We are absolutely not one’s to ask for any help, and we were really hoping and praying it never would come down to this, we truly had no idea it was going to take all these rounds of expensive treatments to get to where we are today, still without our miracle. We would be SO incredibly blessed to have even just some of the burden of our deductible and recent medical bill’s lessened while we prepare for our new exciting chapter of IVF and all the possibilities it could give us! Our dr feels pretty good about this!! And we have never been more hopeful!
Baby George, we are not giving up!! 💕
Thank you SO much for taking the time to read about us & our journey to Baby George.
& Please, please do not feel obligated to donate, we are absolutely so grateful just for you taking the time to read about us & sending us all the faith and prayers! We are SO blessed to have such large amounts of outpouring love and support during this difficult and emotional journey we’ve been on.
Name | Donation | Date |
Anonymous | $100.00 | June 05, 2023 |
Sydney Gulbranson | $50.00 | June 03, 2023 |
Sharon Fox | $100.00 | June 02, 2023 |
Heidi McBride | $50.00 | June 01, 2023 |
Terri & Garth Schmidt | $50.00 | June 01, 2023 |
Anonymous | $100.00 | June 01, 2023 |
Katie Nyquist | $100.00 | June 01, 2023 |

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Jenny George is organizing this fundraiser.