Peterson Baby #2, She wants a sibling
Peterson Baby #2, She wants a sibling
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Jesscia Peterson is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hello, My Name is Jessica,
I have been struggling with Fertility Issues since I was 22.
I had to do IVF for our first little girl who is a true blessing and a great baby.
I am an only child and my mother, after I found out about my fertility issues, tells me she tried for years to have me a sibling.
So I now know I will have to do IVF again to complete my family of 4. The first time around I didn’t have a clue about such things a Gift of Parenthood. I have done a lot of research since Peterson Baby #1.
After Much discussion with my husband, and not wanting my little girl to grow up alone we have decided to try for Peterson Baby #2.
I know what its like growing up in an only child home, yes I feel like I turned out pretty okay, I hated being alone all of the time.
I want my Little girls smile to shine bright for the rest of her life, and being alone is not always the best shine.
Please help us in growing our family of 3 to a great family of 4.
And Thank you for all the love you share here on Gift of Parenthood.
Love the Petersons.
Journey so far
Well we attempted for our second baby in February. Sorry it’s taken me a while to update, as we lost the baby at 11 weeks. It’s been hard on us as a family. We will be celebrating the baby this weekend as 10/25/24 would have been the due date for him.
With this celebration I am hoping for full closure on this loss.
With this closure I am hoping that we will be able to move forward and be able to try at the beginning of next year for our second earth side baby.
Thank you everyone who donated and prayed for us.
Please continue to pray for us and if you are able to donate to us that would be amazing.
Much love to all here who are trying for their babies
Name | Donation | Date |
Samantha Tsui | $250.00 | December 08, 2023 |
Brittani Harris | $50.00 | December 01, 2023 |
Kimberly McCulloch | $50.00 | November 24, 2023 |
Terry Rising | $100.00 | November 24, 2023 |
Dana Schneider | $100.00 | November 23, 2023 |
Jessica Rivera | $100.00 | October 19, 2023 |
Mindyann Alston | $100.00 | October 14, 2023 |
Alice Patridge | $91.00 | October 10, 2023 |
Kathleen Karels | $100.00 | October 10, 2023 |

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Jesscia Peterson is organizing this fundraiser.