Please Help My Husband & I Create A Blessing /IVF
Please Help My Husband & I Create A Blessing /IVF
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Destiny Swenson is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Destiny & my husbands name is Bradley . We have been together and married for 10 years since 2014 . I am 33 years old and my husband is 32 years old . We have been trying to conceive since 2017 with many road blocks . I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2016 , commonly known as Endo for those of you who may not know. Endo is common health issue in women where tissues grow outside of the uterus, causing pain and , often infertility. Endo effects more then 11% of American women between 15-44 years old. I have had two surgeries to scrape the endometriosis due to the pain . Not only did I struggle with Endo , I also had cysts on my ovaries multiple times and one surgery due to one of the cyst was to big and I was in so much pain they had to remove it .In 2017 I had gotten pregnant which was the happiest time for us , as my husband and I went to the OBGYN doctor to see if everything was okay . The doctor did a blood test , urine test , and an ultrasound stating I was 8 weeks pregnant. When we did the ultrasound he stated he thinks I’m too early and small to see so he wanted to wait another two weeks . I go home thinking everything was great . I started to have pains to where I could not move . I thought maybe just a part of it , as I am in the shower I pass out my husband calls 911 and ambulance took me to the hospital . To find out I was 8 weeks pregnant but in my Fallopian tube and needed to be rushed into surgery . It was a devastating time for us , luckily the doctor stated he was able to save my tube . In 2019 we been trying and no luck so my OBGYN recommended surgery to open up my tubes to see if that helps . At this time the doctor wanted to check my husbands sperm and my eggs to make sure there is no other issue . All test came back normal . So the opening of my tubes was the next step . I have this done and in 2020 still no pregnancies . We have been to so many doctors for different options and spent so much money with no explanation as to why it’s not happening . This has caused so much emotional stress , stress in our marriage , and just overall been tough . We took a break from doctors and stressing it and just been not preventing and seeing what happens . Here we are in 2023 going into 2024 and no luck ! We just really financially know we can not afford IVF treatments , but truly have not given up hope . As I do get older turning 34 in January 2024 we really want to try our last resolution to this infertility to see if we can have our miracle blessing and our family would be whole. Please help us make this dream come true , we truly thank anybody who even takes the time to read this and or help . Prayers are very much appreciated as well . Thank you all , love the Dickey Family ❤️
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Destiny Swenson is organizing this fundraiser.