Ready for our miracle Baby Bahr

Fort Worth, TX (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Ready for our miracle Baby Bahr

by Natasha Bahr

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $230.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$230.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Fort Worth, TX (US)

Natasha Bahr is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi there!! We are Chris and Natasha. We have been married for 4.5 AMAZING years. A little about us: We both love to travel, gaming, watch movies, read and just have fun.  We have been on this journey to have a baby for about 2 years. As a couple we are experiencing male factor infertility. We have been told that IVF is the most recommended treatment for us at this time. Chris did complete some medical treatments under the care of a urologist starting in March 2021 that allowed us to get pregnant in August 2021. Unfortunately, that loss ended in a miscarriage in August 2021. As you can imagine our miscarriage had an emotional impact on the both of us. After trying for so long and then experiencing a loss it was hard to see how we will get through this journey. God says: I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born, Isaiah 66:9. We stand on that promise. After our miscarriage Chris continued care under his urologist and we continued to try for a baby for a little longer.

We have chosen to take the path toward IVF for a few reasons: 1.) Chris continued his medicines and followed up with his doctor a few months later as ordered. After another round of labs  indicating that male factor did not improve we decided we would move forward with IVF. 2.) We are ready to be parents, and though IVF is not a guarantee we are believing God for a miracle.   We are thankful and excited that IVF is an option for us and we have a wonderful medical team looking after us.  We are here asking for a little assistance to cover the final cost of IVF treatments and medications. We are trying to pay a lot of it in cash so we can begin investing in the future for Baby Bahr without a lot of debt.

If you would consider donating to us, we plan to 1.) Use the funds to cover additional cost of IVF such as lab fees and medications 2.) We plan to pay it forward. This whole process is very emotional for both of us, and we PROMISE to pay it forward to another couple struggling with the cost of fertility treatments, and 3.) Create a memory book for our baby so they will know the village of people who helped us get them here.

Please know the decision to fundraise was not taken lightly. Any and every amount counts and we thank you for visiting our page.

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $30.00 January 14, 2022
Elaine Walker $200.00 January 08, 2022