Robert and Danielle IVF Fundraiser

Shelley, ID (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Robert and Danielle IVF Fundraiser

by danielle rigby

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $18,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $150.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$150.00 raised of $18,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Shelley, ID (US)

danielle rigby is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story



Update** Donating to the fundraiser will not affect the grand total of the grant. If you find it in your hearts to donate before Friday July 15th, it will help keep us eligible for the grant. The winners are chosen as if you bought a raffle ticket.

We are Robert and Danielle Rigby. You all know that Ryker was born super premature. Due to all of the surgery’s and trauma to Danielle’s uterus from Ryker coming early, her reproductive tubes have become blocked off. For us to have more children of our own we need to have IVF.

We have applied for some grants that would help pay for IVF. The grants are not guaranteed. We are putting out this fundraiser to help come up with the large amount of money we need in order to do IVF. IVF isn’t covered on our insurance.

We are in no way begging or asking you to donate, but anything would help. This grant says we have higher chance of receiving it if we set up a fundraiser.

For those that have donated thank you. It means the world to us! We might have a fighting chance to grow our family.

Rob and Danielle We are Robert and Danielle Rigby. You all know that Ryker was born super premature. Due to all of the surgery’s and trauma to Danielle’s uterus from Ryker coming early, her reproductive tubes have become blocked off. For us to have more children of our own we need to have IVF.

We have applied for some grants that would help pay for IVF. The grants are not guaranteed. We are putting out this fundraiser to help come up with the large amount of money we need in order to do IVF. IVF isn’t covered on our insurance.

We are in no way begging or asking you to donate, but anything would help. This grant says we have higher chance of receiving it if we set up a fundraiser.

Thank You

Name Donation Date
Rebecca Johnson $50.00 July 17, 2022
Anonymous $25.00 June 29, 2022
Erin Knudsen $50.00 June 29, 2022
Rebecca Jasper $25.00 June 29, 2022
Rebecca Johnson commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
I hope that this will help in some way. You are such wonderful friends and you deserve all of the best in this life. Sending love and prayers.
Erin Knudsen commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
Love you and praying for this!! ? ❤️
Rebecca Jasper commented with a $25 donation about 3 years ago
Best of causes! Good luck!!!!!!