Rogers Family

Lexington, KY (US)
Created 3 years ago
Embryo Adoption

Rogers Family

by Amy Rogers

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $1,500.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $60.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$60.00 raised of $1,500.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Lexington, KY (US)

Amy Rogers is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

We are Tim and Amy, and it is our joy to share our adoption story. We have been married for almost 7 years. In 2019 we started trying to conceive and just over a year with no success we consulted medical providers for advice. We were told we were experiencing male factor infertility and all information showed together we would not be able to naturally conceive. While we were disappointed to get this news, we remained hopeful that this would not be the end of us bringing a child into the world.  We started the process with Nightlight Christian Adoption Agency and adopted 6 embryos.

We had a frozen embryo transfer in June 2022 and sadly on July 19th we found out we were experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is not common but when you are a part of the 2% it feels anything but uncommon. I thought our challenge was going to be getting pregnant. I never fathomed having a pregnancy complication, much less one that had no treatment to save the pregnancy.

Just this past week I met with my new fertility Dr. She has offered much reassurance, care, and plan for moving forward. To say we are expectant is not scratching the surface. One of the more impactful takeaways from talking through my health history was that she expressed the likelihood of me experiencing a second ectopic pregnancy to the chance of lightning striking the same place twice. We hope to have a second embryo transfer this Fall/Winter. Maybe the biggest change we are making is that we will be transferring one embryo. There will also be a few shifts to the medication and structure/timing of the ultrasounds before the transfer. Most of the cost for our second transfer has to be paid upfront.


Amy continues every day to hear Tim’s voice from the initial adoption call with Nightlight in 2019 (before we knew we would go down the road of infertility) saying, “We want to be the best option for a family”. Amy believes Tim is the best option to father his adopted children. And Tim believes Amy is the best option to mother her adopted children. We know the Snowflakes program is the best option for these frozen embryos that haven’t yet had their time and chance to be.  We will never be able to communicate the way this opportunity has given us hope in our time of helplessness. You and others like you are the only way we get to experience what we are unable to make happen otherwise, starting a family from pregnancy on. It is with utter sincerity we thank you for considering supporting us financially.

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $10.00 September 18, 2022
Misty Hughes $25.00 September 05, 2022
Anonymous $25.00 September 03, 2022
Anonymous commented with a $25 donation about 3 years ago
I know it's not much, but maybe it can help in some small way. My prayers are with you as you walk this journey.