Safford IVF

Tehachapi, CA (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Safford IVF

by Melissa Young

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $209.25

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$209.25 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Tehachapi, CA (US)

Melissa Young is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Shane and I knew we wanted to build our family from the start of our relationship. Deployments to Afghanistan made things tricky, even once stateside consistently we still were having trouble which baffled me because I have 2 children already. After many failed attempts and many years we decided to get help, we found out Shane had azoospermia and we were devastated. After 4 surgeries and months of meds we decided to go for a TESE. We were so shocked to get 4 much needed vials of our missing component! We moved forward with egg retrieval, and ended up with 7 blasts! We transferred one PGT normal, which sadly didn’t take…so we did another immediately following…also ending in failure. We were told not to move forward until we have done an ERA cycle, which tells the doctor if we are getting timing and meds right, I may be the 25 percent that needs a different protocol. But unfortunately cost is a barrier, we are out of money, as it is donations made our journey this far possible. We need roughly 10 thousand to cover the ERA and embryo transfer. This will cover procedures, tests, meds, and travel. We are working our butts off to afford this, but even with 2 full time jobs and 2 side part time jobs we just can’t get ahead to make these cycles happen. We are humbly asking for donations to get us to the finishline. Love, Melissa and Shane

  • 09-28-2022


    Managing to pay off our previous IVF cycle, and save for a new cycle is something we are just not able to do. After dealing with infertility we know how heartbreaking it is. We have decided to be a surrogate for a family in need. The catch is because I had to failed transfers I have to undergo an ERA cycle (would have to do this for my own cycle as well) . In order to move forward with surrogacy, I have to complete this ERA cycle, and the cost is still just too much debt to take on. We are asking for donations to complete this ERA so a surrogacy cycle will fund our future IVF cycle. If you or someone you know is in need of a surrogate, let me know I am working with an agency in Southern California that will handle all legal matters once I have my ERA and am given the green light to carry for a family.

Name Donation Date
steven zayas $100.00 September 20, 2022
Prerana Bhatt $100.00 August 11, 2022
Rugile Morkuniene $10.00 August 11, 2022