Send me an angel.
Send me an angel.
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Flint, MI (US)

Dorleena DeClue is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Campaign Story
Hello, my name is Dorleena. My husband and I are wanting to have a baby, however I received a tubal ligation before we got married. I thought I wouldn’t want anymore children. I had no idea what God had in store for my future. I didn’t know a man I’ve known almost My whole life would turn out to be “the one” I also had no idea the pain that would follow. My son passed away at 10 years old. I pray that God will bless me with another baby that My angel in heaven would pick for us. This is my last chance to have one more baby.
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Dorleena DeClue is organizing this fundraiser.