Simply Meant To Be
Simply Meant To Be
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Jessica Higginbotham is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Jessica and the man in the picture with me is named Brian. We both have wanted a child together for a very long time. I am doing the fundraiser for ourselves. When I was younger I got my tubes tied with being in mentally and physically abusive relationships. Unfortunately it was not something I wanted but I did it anyways. Even though that mistake was my fault, me and my first love reconnected years after finding myself and finally our faith in Christ. We have always wanted a child together since we were younger. Now that I can’t, I pray and have hope and faith that God can make a way. Even if he doesn’t, I understand it’s all on his will and his timing. We dream of having a girl and naming her Faith Christine. I would love to honor Christ by giving a name to my child for him. I truly believe his plan was for me to find love in Christ and myself first before I could love. Now I hope his plan will be to grow that love even more with a child with someone who I love and I thank God for everyday. I would hope to do surrogacy. I wish the fundraising could go towards a reversal but I don’t see that as an option. We would be truly thankful for any donations and prayers.
It’s important to us because of a lot of reasons but mainly because..
”Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.“
Psalms 127:3 CEV
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Jessica Higginbotham is organizing this fundraiser.