Stauffer Family Fund

Wilmington, NC (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Stauffer Family Fund

by Ashley Stauffer

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $20,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $20,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Wilmington, NC (US)

Ashley Stauffer is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Ashley and I have what is called “unexplained infertility.” This is a common problem for couples trying to conceive. It has been a very rough year and a half for my husband and myself. We tried for a good 6 months before I finally asked for professional help. It only took us a couple of tries to have our little Leilani. I thought with being older now, this was the issue. Turns out my labs are normal, his labs are normal. Our anatomy is normal. His swimmers are normal. After 8 months of assisted medication, no luck. It leaves me feeling like I am broken with no explanation. We have spoken with a fertility specialist and it looks like our chances of conceiving on our own is a whopping 2%. Our options now are IUI or IVF. Both are so expensive and our insurance does not cover a dime. Yes, we work full time, but our money goes to current bills and finances and the cost of IVF would place a big financial hardship on us. It saddens me to think that the one thing holding us back from completing our family is money, but at this point, we aren’t getting any younger and Leilani is getting older. Our children would already be 6 years apart, which is something I never imagined for our children to be, but here we are. We are looking to do IVF, which has a >70% outcome of pregnancy. With the procedures and medications, it will be around 20,000.
All I ever wanted was to have a family, a sibling for Leilani, a forever best friend for her. She tells me literally everyday how she wants a sister. It breaks my heart so much. I have cried so many tears over the last year and a half and would love to just complete our family.
We chose to do this fundraiser for our family. We hope to not be judged or scrutinized. We just want to complete our family as soon as possible and this technology is the best way to do so. Anything helps. We are applying for grants as well, but those are never guaranteed. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you in advance.
With love,
The Stauffer Family