Support Military family with IVF self pay
Support Military family with IVF self pay
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Mariela Alvarez-Barber is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi, my name is Mariela I am a disabled veteran for MST ( military sexual trauma) my loving husband is Chris who is a current active duty soldier with 18 years in the army. We have a blended family unfortunately 3 yrs ago as we were preparing to welcome our first child together into the world our son passed away at 7 months of pregnancy. We went from planning the baby shower to planning a funeral. We were left with a whole in our hearts and the curiosity of having a child together. Unfortunately we do not qualify with his tricare or the VA for our IVF to be cover and we are self pay. We used all of our savings to cover the first try with IVF but weren’t successful and will need to restart again since we only had one good embryo and our transfer failed. As my husband prepares for yet another deployment next year we hope to reach our dream of our first child together.
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Mariela Alvarez-Barber is organizing this fundraiser.