Support Taylor & Michael achieve a family with IVF

Chapin, SC (US)
Created 3 weeks ago
Fertility Treatments

Support Taylor & Michael achieve a family with IVF

by Taylor Shiels

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  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

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  • 111

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Chapin, SC (US)

Taylor Shiels is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi, my name is Taylor (33 yrs old), and my husband is Michael (35 yrs old), and live in Chapin, SC. We have been on this fertility journey for over a year and a half starting in 2023. We thought we would get pregnant naturally and tried for 6 months before asking my OBGYN for help. I did ultrasounds and blood work & everything was normal. So, my OBGYN recommended a HSG procedure, where they put a catheter in through the cervix and insert a dye that goes through the uterus and fallopian tube while and x-ray is being done. We found out that I had a blocked/ misshapen right fallopian tube.

After discussion with my doctor, we decided to have laparoscopic surgery to have it removed but my left tube during surgery looked to be somewhat dilated. We were told that it could of just been a fluke and not to worry too much about the left tube. We also started doing medicated cycles in the meantime. After more medicated cycles we then decided to seek a Fertility Doctor. She had started me on a different medication, and we did baseline bloodwork. We also decided to do another HSG procedure to check on that left tube. Thankfully the results were good and no blockage. My Fertility doctor suggested we do IUI (intrauterine insemination) with medication and a trigger shot (HCG hormone) when it was time to do the IUI. I had to go through follicle scans every cycle to see how my follicles measured and once we got the all clear we would give me the trigger shot at home and 24-36 hours (about 3 days) later we would drive to Greenville and have the IUI procedure. After doing about 3 failed cycles my Fertility doctor recommended a SIS (saline infused Sono hysterography) It’s an ultrasound where they insert saline into the uterus to check and make sure everything looked good. Which thankfully everything did. We then increased my medication to a higher dose which this medication makes you feel pretty rough. We did our 4th & 5th cycle which both have failed.

We have done everything we can on our end as taking certain vitamins during this period and also cutting out alcohol as well. Michael as well was tested, and his results were pretty good thankfully.

We have Tricare as our insurance policy because my husband is a Captain in the Army and has been deployed overseas before. He also currently has served 12 years in the military. With that being said Tricare DOES NOT cover any of IUI nor IVF. Which is shocking as you would think someone who is protecting and serving our country would have that support of starting a family.

We talked to our Fertility doctor about IVF and to see what the cost would be with them. They quoted us for 1 IVF cycle $25,000 up front. And most of the time couples have to do multiple cycles of IVF to achieve a healthy pregnancy. This is something we cannot afford to pay $25,000 for 1 round of IVF.

Therefore, we are looking at different clinics in other states that may have better IVF rates. That would mean traveling out of state and having to trust a new clinic. Even if we went to a discounted IVF clinic (out of state) their quote is about $10,000 for one round of IVF. We have started to look into grants and have applied to a few but they are always chosen at random and not given every month either. We think IVF would be a great way for us to achieve our goal into starting a family and I’m willing to give myself many shots of different medications, constant ultrasounds and blood work. This is something that is the most important to us both!

I know this is a lot of information, but I wanted to be sure to cover what we have gone through in this year and of half of trying to conceive.

I am swallowing my pride and asking you to consider helping us on this new path of conceiving a baby.

*****We are looking for assistance with the financial burden of IVF and would forever be thankful for any help. Even $5.00 would mean the world to us and help us move closer to our goal. I am an open book and if you have any questions, you can reach out to me on social media. Also, would love for you to help in sharing our story on any platform that way it reaches for people and help get the word out there. Thank you, for reading this and please consider whatever way you may be able to help us. Any type of help is appreciated.

😊 Taylor & Michael

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