Our Surrogacy Journey to Baby Smith

Manteca, CA (US)
Created 1 year ago

Our Surrogacy Journey to Baby Smith

by Holly Smith

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $8,395.00

    Funds Raised
  • 82

    Days to go
$8,395.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Manteca, CA (US)

Holly Smith is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Our story is a long one, so here we go!! My name is Holly, and my husband is Matt. We have been on a very long and heartbreaking journey together in trying to have a family for 12 years. We got married in 2011 and wanted to start our family young. Unfortunately, we were dealt a really unlucky hand of unfortunate circumstances that has led us to this point. About 3 years after we were married, I found out I had a severe case of endometriosis. Through the years, I have had 4 surgeries to keep the endometriosis in check but every year it got worse and worse.

Endometriosis is a disease of the reproductive tract where the endometrial cells grow outside the uterus and damages everything in its path like a weed. It is also thought to be caused by immune dysfunction. Mine was mostly on my ovaries and around my fallopian tubes. I have had 2 ablation (cauterized) and 2 excision (cut out) the endometriosis. I also had an ovarian torsion in April of 2014 that landed me in the hospital multiple times before surgery. Both tubes were removed in 2021 with the advice of my surgeon which revealed they were completely twisted and filled with toxic fluid.

On January 20th, 2024, I had a total hysterectomy for stage IV endometriosis. For the past 5 years, the pain has been non-stop, 24/7 nagging pelvic pain which has affected EVERY ASPECT of our life. Last November, the pain got so bad that I threw in the towel and made the decision to have the hysterectomy done and it was the BEST decision, absolutely no regrets!!!

6 months leading up to the surgery, I couldn’t sit, stand or function without being in constant pain which was no way to live. After the pathology reports came back, I found out that my condition was even worse than I had thought. I also had adenomyosis of the uterus and endometriosis around both ureters that started to twist which could have put me in kidney failure if left untreated.

With endometriosis, it is very common to have other autoimmune diseases. In 2016, I also fell ill with an autoimmune disease that attacked my nervous system. The nerves to my large and small intestine, bladder, and ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) have been damaged due to Central Nervous System (CNS) Lupus. In 2017, I went into digestive failure which led me to be put on TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) to save my life and keep me alive. I am so grateful for the amazing strides I have made in my health, but it did become apparent through failed pregnancies that my body still cannot regulate itself like it should even with all the medical and holistic treatments. My blood pressure became high and uncontrolled even with 3 raises in blood pressure medication which could have put me at risk for early pre-eclampsia.

Matt and I have gone through tremendous loss and grief through this process. We have experienced reoccurring pregnancy loss (4 miscarriages) with IVF which has left us exhausted both emotionally, physically and financially. Thankfully, we have four embryos in the freezer that we would love to have a chance to bring home.

Surrogacy is very expensive and some of the costs are not covered by insurance. We as intended parents cover the costs of psych evaluations, medical clearance, legal fees, procedures and medications the surrogate requires for each cycle. As a police officer (Matt) and substitute teacher (Holly), covering surrogacy costs seems out of reach but making this fundraiser gives us HOPE.

We would be so incredibly grateful for any help we can get and 100% of donations will go towards our surrogacy journey. Matt and I have dreamed of becoming parents together very early on in our relationship. We truly cannot wait to be parents and have a sweet baby in our arms and finally gain the title of MOM and DAD!!!

UPDATE 9/24/2024: Unfortunately, our surrogacy journey with our current surrogate has ended due to medical issues on her side. This has been extremely heartbreaking and a devastating loss on both sides. We are so incredibly grateful to Jenessa and her family for their commitment and support. We are not sure how we are going to move forward but what we do know, we are looking to go on an altruistic surrogacy journey with someone who has the heart to give us this gift. THANK-YOU to everyone who has supported us 🙂


Matt & Holly (Cordero) Smith

Name Donation Date
Christina Ward $200.00 April 20, 2024
Alisa Chapman $300.00 April 19, 2024
Marielle Valdez $500.00 April 19, 2024
Michelle Cowley $50.00 April 13, 2024
Christine Wilkinson $25.00 April 13, 2024
Christine Lynch $20.00 April 13, 2024
Amanda McIntyre $100.00 April 13, 2024
Jessica Aguinaga $1,000.00 April 13, 2024
Stephen Kihlthau $200.00 April 13, 2024
Cheryl Blanchad $5,000.00 April 11, 2024
Noel Cordero $1,000.00 April 08, 2024
Christina Ward commented with a $200 donation about 11 months ago
Praying for you both and wishing you the best. You will be amazing parents. Love Larry and Christina
Marielle Valdez commented with a $500 donation about 11 months ago
Love you guys! - from Mari & Thomas
Michelle Cowley commented with a $50 donation about 11 months ago
Sending you all our love and good vibes.
Christine Wilkinson commented with a $25 donation about 11 months ago
Love ya!
Amanda McIntyre commented with a $100 donation about 11 months ago
I know you guys will become parents. I did not have the obstacles you had, but I did struggle to conceive and it’s probably the worst feeling. I ended up having Charles at 37… a bit later in life than I hoped for, but I wouldn’t change him for the world. I believe god brought him to me at the perfect time. 🤗
Stephen Kihlthau commented with a $200 donation about 11 months ago
Good luck you guys. Love you both and wish you all the best.
Cheryl Blanchad commented with a $5000 donation about 11 months ago
We are so excited for both of you!
Noel Cordero commented with a $1000 donation about 11 months ago
I love you Howie!!!!!