Tanner & Hollie’s IVF Journey
Tanner & Hollie’s IVF Journey
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Hollie McIntire is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
*sigh* I never thought I would do this but here we are. My name is Hollie and my husband’s name is Tanner. We have been married for a long, yet short, 6 years. Or you could be crazy like me and figure out that we have been married 2,232 days. I once was told that the days are long and the years are short. My how true that is! I haven’t killed him yet so that’s good news right?
Our fertility story is a doozy but I’m glad you made it this far in our story! Tanner and I have been trying to conceive naturally for 3 years and 9 months (1,369 days lol). We were told by our fertility NP recently that we have a 5% chance of getting pregnant naturally (a new couple coming together has a 17% chance). Our chances are real good huh? We learned that if we do IUI (Intrauterine Insemination – where the sperm is shot to the top of the uterus right as an egg is getting released) that we have a 10-12% chance of getting pregnant. That may not seem like a lot but it’s a 100% increase on our chances, right?! We also learned that if we do IVF (In-Vitro Fertility – where they extract the sperm and eggs and put them in a petri dish then put the embryo inside me when it is ready), we have a 50% chance on the first embryo and 70% chance on the second if the first fails. Interesting right? I was absolutely invested at this point. The kicker? IVF is going to cost us about $20,000. Don’t you just love America’s healthcare? I sure do. *insert eye roll* Tanner and I ultimately decided to go forward with IVF. A lot of thought, conversation, and prayer went into this decision. This is where we need your help. I may hate asking for help, but we are to the point where we can’t do it on our own.
Now enough about the fertility information that may be boring you. I wanted to share a little bit about Tanner and I. Tanner is a nerdy, fun loving gamer. In fact, he’s a full time student pursuing Video Game Development (shocker right?). He’s also working part time at a doctor’s office while in school. I am a full time grad student studying Architecture at night. Trust me, it’s not as cool as you think it is. I am also working full time at an architecture firm. Surprise! We are extremely busy. In fact, there are some days I see Tanner for 15 minutes. It’s a wonder we aren’t getting pregnant. HAH.
Congrats on making it this far in our story. Gold star for you! Honestly though, we are actually really grateful you are here reading our story and considering helping us out. Any donations, no matter the size (size TRULY does not matter), is seriously appreciated. As well as helping us get the word out! We are so excited to be able to have our forever family one day (hopefully soon).
Name | Donation | Date |
Anonymous | $50.00 | February 16, 2024 |
Brennan Mcintire | $150.00 | December 15, 2023 |
Leah Farrington | $25.00 | November 07, 2023 |
Mckenzie jewkes | $5.00 | November 04, 2023 |
Anonymous | $200.00 | November 04, 2023 |
Briana Sanchez | $5.00 | November 04, 2023 |
Rebecca Garma | $25.00 | November 04, 2023 |
Cali Stocking | $25.00 | November 04, 2023 |
Anonymous | $50.00 | November 04, 2023 |

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Hollie McIntire is organizing this fundraiser.