Tee’s final round

Washington , DC (US)
Created 3 years ago
Egg Preservation

Tee’s final round

by Tevyka Heyward

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $8,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $1,695.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$1,695.00 raised of $8,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Washington , DC (US)

Tevyka Heyward is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Dearest Family and Friends,

I’ve created this fundraiser in hopes of receiving assistance with my third and final egg retrieval. Some of you may be hearing about this for the first time, or at least the first time from me. Some of you have been on the other end of the phone as I go on and on about the goals and dreams of having my children and maybe even some of the regrets I’ve had for sacrificing my best childbearing years for my career, primarily overseas. Either way, I see you as allies and my glimmers of hope.

Here’s backstory: In June 2019, my partner and I had discussed having children of our own.  With some of his medical history and me having just come off a fibroid removal the year prior,  we wanted to make sure we knew where we stood. After not so great discussions with the VA fertility doctor and a few tests I was advised to either start trying immediately or freeze my eggs. We had opted for egg freezing since I was still working overseas and we hadn’t quite made it down aisle, which was the goal at that time. Fast forward to 2020, outside of a Global Pandemic, I decided it was best for all parties involved that I go this journey alone and with my current work schedule and salary it was going to be easy! Well, fate had other plans as I not only ended up out of the U.S. for 8 months, I had received a cancer diagnosis, and also notified that many of us we’re being sent home due to our location closing. Due to the cancer diagnosis I could no longer work overseas period, as I had to undergo treatment and we weren’t to clear on how intense it would have to be. I also had to find a job stateside and begin the transition of being back home again. Luckily I had saved for a rainy day and in June of 2021 I underwent my first egg retrieval. Didn’t go so great, 2 eggs retrieved and only one made it to freezing. I was devastated. I had gone through so much to get to this point, how could I end up with such a crappy result?! To be honest, the depression and anxiety I was already trying to manage had gotten the best of me at this point and I was just ready to give up. The doctor and her team at the clinic I had chosen walked me back from the ledge of quitting . Explaining that there was still a chance and they’ve had success with less. While initially it didn’t change my sorrow or even my anger, I came around and agreed to try again. However, I had promised myself I would not be this person who spent $40-60k for just a chance.  I would only do three rounds and whatever I had at that point is what I had. God was going to work out the rest.

In November of 2021, I went through my second round of egg retrieval, I was way more hopeful but still adamant on not going more than 3 rounds. With this round I was able to freeze only one egg again. Happy Birthday to me! We discussed my options, added an additional protocol and I agreed to come back in March, but low and behold my fibroids had returned and grown pretty quickly this time in areas not best suitable for my motherhood goal. I had what I now refer to as a “slight” meltdown and decided again that I was done! It was too much to bare and I was devastated, again I felt as if my body was truly working against me.

I will say between prayer, quiet time, and chats with those apart of my most inner circle having  reminded me that “delayed didn’t mean denied”; I decided to go for one more retrieval cycle before I hit 40. First however, I needed to address the new fibroids on top of my physical and mental health. An August timeline would be perfect to ensure I was good to go.

The vast majority of my health issues have now been managed and I’m ready to go for my 3rd round, however now there’s another barrier. I’ve exhausted all of my personal savings and resources. This has led to why you’re reading my ridiculously long and somewhat embarrassing request. I rarely ask for help and most of you at some time or another have fussed at me for not doing so. I most definitely need your help now.  I am fully aware that everyone has their own life and needs to attend to, however this request is my last effort to preserve the ability to have children from my own DNA.

Gift of Parenthood has a grant giveaway that I’ve applied for three times but have yet to win, so I’m going to try the fundraiser route. If you are able to help me reach my goal, I would greatly appreciate it.  If you can not contribute, I TOTALLY understand and truly appreciate you taking the time to read the mini-long version of  my story.

For transparency, your funds will go towards the following:

Medication leading up to egg retrieval (STIMS)=$3,000

Retrieval procedure= $4,500

Egg storage fees= $500

Love Always
Tevyka Leona!

  • 08-03-2022

    Meds have arrived

    Thank you everyone who has been able to assist. Your donations helped with getting my meds here on time! Baseline follicle count was yesterday. Remaining hopeful

Name Donation Date
Shontay Washington $500.00 July 12, 2022
Maisie Dunbar $50.00 July 11, 2022
Isha Sharpe $25.00 July 10, 2022
Noni Jones $20.00 July 10, 2022
Evita Gonzalez $200.00 July 10, 2022
Anonymous $30.00 July 10, 2022
Carmen Griffith $50.00 July 09, 2022
Lymar Curry $400.00 July 09, 2022
Tunisia Ali $170.00 July 09, 2022
Henry Heyward $200.00 July 09, 2022
April Jones $50.00 July 09, 2022
Maisie Dunbar commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
I don't have much. I wish I could do so much more.
Evita Gonzalez commented with a $200 donation about 3 years ago
Becoming pregnant at 39 was a shock as I’ve only fell pregnant now 4 times in my life with one child, each pregnancy on average 4 1/2 years apart. I didn’t know I have tons fibroids I stopped counting after 10 were identified at my first ultrasound. It made sense for all the years of pain and made me worried with ability of this time working out. I’m now 6 months along and still worry but a little less. I’m sending you positive vibes and wishing you all the success.
Carmen Griffith commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
Miss T. I pray that you realize your desire to become a mom. I know you will be an amazing parent because God blessed you with a wonderful example. Be blessed stay encouraged. May The Most High bless you with the desires of your heart. Love you always.
Tunisia Ali commented with a $170 donation about 3 years ago
Wishing you all the blessings you so deserve and that soft bundle of joy that's on the way!
April Jones commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
You are in my prayers, you got this sister. It going to happen. Stay positive. Blessings and Peace.