The Plusnick’s Plus One
The Plusnick’s Plus One
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Denalyn Plusnick is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
We’re the Plusnick’s! So far we’re just Denalyn and Julian (aka Nick), but someone’s missing. After getting married and wrapping up college, we decided we were ready to start the family we’ve been dreaming of since we were kids ourselves. We tested positive for Covid about a month before, and the inflammation cause my mild endometriosis to spread. The endometriosis made my estrogen so high that I started having focal seizures and was unable to ovulate. I underwent a successful endometriosis excision in November 2021, and had an HSG procedure done to make sure my Fallopian tubes were cleared. After having it removed I finally got my first positive ovulation test and an ultrasound proved I was able to ovulate. After I still couldn’t get pregnant, we decided to check Nick for male factor infertility. The results came back with only a handful of sperm, and none of them shaped correctly. His genes and blood work all came back normal, so he was diagnosed with general testicular failure. After 18 cycles of trying, 5 different doctors, and multiple efforts to get his numbers up, Nick was stuck in the critically low to completely sterile range. We were told by our new specialist yesterday that we have a 1-2% of conceiving on our own on a good day, and the doctor highly recommended that we begin the process of IVF and have a sample frozen because of the risk that he loses what little fertility he has left. We’re still hoping for a miracle, but ICSI/IVF seems to be the miracle we’ve been given. I work as a second grade teacher, which doesn’t offer fertility coverage. We were financially prepared for a child, but not financially prepared to spend the equivalent of their college fund on their conception. Please consider helping make our dreams come true by donating to our cause so that we can get our miracle baby. They might not be here yet, but even just a dollar or two can save our baby’s potential life.
Back to the Board
After multiple issues with fertility insurance, Nick and I are back to cash pay for IVF. We’ve found a clinic in Colorado that will do IVF with ICSI for about half the cost of what it is locally, so our goal is now to stay in Colorado for a week and have the procedures done there. With the money we’ve received so far we were able to get a sample frozen for IVF use, so we really appreciate those who have already donated. Thanks again for your support.
Name | Donation | Date |
Baylee Durnell | $100.00 | September 13, 2022 |
Cindy Smith | $20.00 | September 12, 2022 |
Anonymous | $20.00 | September 12, 2022 |
Tara Neer | $5.00 | September 12, 2022 |
Brittanys Smith | $10.00 | September 12, 2022 |
James Ramey | $40.00 | September 11, 2022 |
Jennifer Stanley | $50.00 | September 10, 2022 |
Jenifer Rogers | $100.00 | September 10, 2022 |
Monica Mabry | $14.00 | September 09, 2022 |

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Denalyn Plusnick is organizing this fundraiser.