The Rohde family
The Rohde family
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Alexis Rohde is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Lexy Rohde. I am what they call a medical annomimily. I’ve done every test they could possibly think of to figure out why I’m not able to carry a child to full term. They all came back negative. In 2023 we lost our baby girl at 23 weeks. It was gut-wrenching. We decided that I couldnt handle another loss like that.Not only struggling with carrying to full term, it was taking a toll on my body. I had to be in the hospital hooked up to IV blood pressure medication just to keep it somewhat stable. Eventually they made the decision it wasn’t safe for me to be pregnant any longer. My body just isn’t meant to be pregnant, thus starting our surrogacy journey. The financial cost of surrogacy is astronomical. We only anticipated having to do one egg retrieval, but that’s not the case. Any help we get is greatly appreciated.
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Alexis Rohde is organizing this fundraiser.