The Stewart’s ivf journey
The Stewart’s ivf journey
Fundraiser Goal -
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Days to go

Rashanna Stewart is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
In 2008 I met the love of my life 4 months later we were planning a family together and here we are in 2022 still dreaming of having that family. Hello my name is Rashanna Stewart an my husband and I have been trying to start a family for over 8 years. We married in 2013 an a month later we were at a infertility clinic to find out why we had not conceived yet. At that time we were told that both of my tubes were blocked an my only choice was ivf. We immediately start looking up ivf clinics an was crushed when we noticed the prices for ivf we could not afford it. At that moment our dreams for a family was crushed. Things started to get a lil rocky. I felt unattractive less of a woman an started to push my husband away. In 2016 my husband said that’s enough God will bless us with a family an we started rebuilding our marriage. 2019 we tried another fertility clinic an was told the same both tubes are blocked ivf is our only option but this time she also told us about Starbucks covering ivf. I went right home an applied an got the job. My first round of ivf was in 2020 an I was crushed when I found out that my embryo tried to stick but because of my tubes I lost it. I was sent to another specialist for my tubes an was told that she couldn’t save them they had to be removed so in November of 2020 I had both tubes removed an was diagnosed with endometriosis. Now here we are wanting to do another cycle but can not afford it. My Doctor wants me to have a FET an get genetic testing because of the endometriosis an my age I am now 38. Receiving any part of this grant would be a blessing an we would be forever grateful.
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Rashanna Stewart is organizing this fundraiser.