The Thinn Family: Hoping for a Little Thinn

Hyde Park, UTAH (US)
Created 4 months ago
Fertility Treatments

The Thinn Family: Hoping for a Little Thinn

by Tahnee Thinn

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $20,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 1697

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $20,000.00 Goal
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Hyde Park, UTAH (US)

Tahnee Thinn is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

My name is Tahnee. I am a mammography technologist. I met my husband Jarom the way most people do these days… online. We hit it off so fast and have been loving and laughing ever since. Jarom is a belt press operator for a gravel company and works very hard. He is Navajo and it was amazing to be adopted into such an amazing culture. I learned that he was brought up in a pretty big family the same as me and we knew we also wanted to have a family to raise. Being a bit older (in our 30’s) when we finally found each other we decided to start trying for a baby right after we got married in 2021. After a year of trying with no pregnancies, we decided to get a professional opinion. At first my husband was very hesitant; he would very much like things to happen naturally. But because we were starting to be at a loss for why that wasn’t happening, we went forward with some help. Our doctor started with drawing labs, did a semen analysis, and imaging. No red flags stood out. I was prescribed femara to make sure my follicles were developing. That’s when we tried doing an IUI… then another… then another. Next our doctor ordered a hysterosalpingogram to see if my fallopian tubes were blocked or any other signs of funky anatomy. Everything checked out well. So we went ahead and did another IUI… then another… This was over a year of different tests and IUI’s. After being totally emotionally exhausted and discouraged, we decided to try another fertility doctor at a fertility clinic. We did more labs and more testing and imaging. It was discovered I had a couple polyps in my uterus. Maybe that was causing difficulty for implantation! The hope was revived and I went in for a hysteroscopy to remove those polyps and test the tissue for any other ailments. It was also discovered that I had endometritis which was inflammation in my endometrium from some sort of bacteria. So I took a strong antibiotic for 2 weeks. I thought for sure we finally figured out what was keeping me from getting pregnant. But months have gone by with no luck. My husband and I are so discouraged that we can’t have a little one. We work hard, but with the economy the way it is we need some help to be able to take the next step of IVF. This is our last hope and prayer to be able to start a family together. We love each other very much and want nothing more than to share that love with a little one of our own. We appreciate and can’t even express the gratitude we feel to those who are supporting us through this time. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!