Journey to Baby Yoder
Journey to Baby Yoder
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Brianna Yoder is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi! We are Josiah and Brianna Yoder. If you’re just tuning in, and seeing our story for the first time, you might be confused on why we would be fundraising for our fertility journey, when we have 4 sweet babies, so let’s back up a little bit.
Josiah and I were high school sweethearts. We fell in love when we were just 15 and 17 years old. We have had the opportunity to go through virtually every stage of life together, and it has been the biggest blessing! We got married after dating for 4 years! It was the best. Day. Ever! We decided we wanted to begin growing our family shortly after we got married. I had always had a feeling getting pregnant may come with some challenges, considering the intense painful cycles I had every month. So we figured we would start trying, and just trust the lord with our journey. Our plan was always to adopt eventually! And we knew we wanted a big family. After trying to get pregnant for 2 years, seeing doctors, and getting confirmation that pregnancy would probably not be achieved easily for us, we decided to look into adoption and foster care. The more research we did, the more we realized foster care was never meant for people to grow their families. Foster care was made to help restore families. But something kept pulling on our hearts. We were in the process of building a home, on a small farm in Indiana, when we decided regardless of how our family would be built, we wanted to help these kids, and these families if we had the means. Fast forward 5 years, 4 adoptions from foster care, and 21 children that have came through our home, here we are. We are incredibly grateful that the lord didn’t give us what we thought we wanted when we started trying for a baby over 7 years ago. Because if he had, we wouldn’t have our 4 amazing children that we do, and we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to love, and support the family’s of all the other children we’ve parented.
Going forward. We are so happy with our family! But we do feel there is a piece of us missing. After doing years of fertility meds, shots, surgeries, tests, then taking a couple years off from the fertility world to enjoy our babies, we’ve decided to pursue treatment again. With the diagnosis we have, we know it will be a costly thing, but we are still believing in miracles, and trusting the lord that if it is his will, we will be able to add our bookend to our sweet Family. 🤍
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Brianna Yoder is organizing this fundraiser.