Thw wadsworth’s IVF journey

Syracuse, NY (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Thw wadsworth’s IVF journey

by Krystal Wadsworth

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $6,500.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $285.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$285.00 raised of $6,500.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Syracuse, NY (US)

Krystal Wadsworth is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hey unicorns*! Thanks for joining us on this adventure! Let’s talk about how we got here.

When we met 12 years ago, it didn’t take long for either of us to realize this was it. We’d found “our one” and the adventure began.

After getting married in 2018, on our 7th first date aversary (yes we are those people), we jumped right into trying to start populating the world with our spawn. Unfortunately, at a very young age I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS) and had always known this process would be a tricky one for us. Add in stage 1 endometriosis, a very unexpected diabetes diagnosis in 2019, our not incredibly young ages and well, let’s just say thank heavens for modern medicine.

We started working with CNY fertility in Syracuse, NY in early 2021. My health insurance at the time covered IVF up to a certain amount, but only the procedure, not the medications. This meant that the bulk of the expenses incurred that year were thankfully absorbed by insurance and the $6000 needed for medication came from our savings. Unfortunately the pandemic closures in 2020 hit us hard and we had already dipped deep into our baby stash to cover everyday things like electricity, heat and our mortgage. There wasn’t as much left as we needed to move forward in the process. By the end of 2021 we had 11 highly-rated embryos ready to be transferred but no dough to make that happen.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, a job change meant an insurance change, to the one plan in NYS that isn’t required to offer fertility coverage. So entirely out of pocket we go moving forward. We previously had a fundraiser last year to celebrate my 40th that completely overwhelmed us and covered our first transfer, meds and some of those credit cards we put medications on.

In 2021 we had 2 successful embryo transfers. Sadly, both ended in miscarriage (at 5 weeks 2 days and 6 weeks 6 days) . Followed by a shingles breakout, a bad case of COVID and a mysterious mass on a salivary gland, 2022 was an odd and wild ride.

We hope to transfer again in 2023, with more successful results. We still have some lingering financed expenses from 2021 and 2022 plus the cost of another transfer with medication that is making it really difficult for us to move forward. If we were a few years younger we would definitely hold off until our savings was built back up again, but time is not on our side.

That’s where you come in. If you have a dollar or two to send our way it helps get us there. have zero expectation. There are so many in need with much greater concerns. We recognize that and feel strange even putting this out there. We also know we have the most incredible support system that has loudly expressed its desire to help, and well, this is the best way until a gremlin arrives and we need a babysitter.

Our hope is we will have enough to pay off the lingering charges from the last few years (medication put on credit cards, financed procedures etc) as well as 2 transfers with medication. I hope we only need to do one. In the event of surplus, thise funds would go into savings to cover expenses while out of work after delivery.

So, if you’d like to give, may we suggest one of these fun options

$5 in honor of our 5th wedding anniversary on 1/13
$12 in honor of 12 years together as of 1/13
$44 to celebrate cj’s birthday on 1/22
$41 to celebrate Krystals birthday on 2/11

Unable to give-thats okay! Really. We are determined to make this happen this year. This is just one avenue we are exploring to get there faster than going it alone.

*a group of unicorns is called a blessing. You are all indeed a blessing to us.

Love and happiness

Krystal and CJ

Name Donation Date
Mary Beth OConnell $50.00 April 08, 2023
Stephanie Murray $30.00 April 06, 2023
Stephanie Murray $50.00 March 20, 2023
Jaclyn Bleich $20.00 March 19, 2023
Cindy Stone $100.00 March 19, 2023
Lynn King $25.00 March 19, 2023
Jennifer Papworth $10.00 March 19, 2023