Two Women & A Baby

Los Angeles, CA (US)
Created 8 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Two Women & A Baby

by DeVonia-Elaine Davis

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $30,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $100.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$100.00 raised of $30,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Los Angeles, CA (US)

DeVonia-Elaine Davis is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Our names are DeVonia and Lauren. Our hearts pound with excitement and emotion as we sit to write for our fundraiser, mostly because we know exactly how much this IVF assistance could change our lives. Thank you for this blessing. Words can’t express how fortunate we feel to have the opportunity to embark on motherhood. My wife and I started our baby journey 2 years ago. Unfortunately , we have had to face major roadblocks along the way. With my wife by my side, we went through 6 IUI at home inseminations, each of them unsuccessful. By the end, my wife and I hearts were shattered, our pockets empty, and as a woman I felt useless, loss and broken. Grasping for answers, I was scheduled for a HSG (Hysterosalpingography) test. The doctor advised that both of my fallopian tubes were blocked with built up scar tissue and that IVF treatment would be our only hopeful option. After taking time to process, we are again hopeful, trusting that our strong relationship and desire for a family of our own can pull us through, together. As my wife (Lauren) will carry my eggs. The possibility of receiving financial assistance for IVF has been a light at the end of a dark tunnel, giving us a glimmer of hope that a future of nurturing a child of our own is possible.

This fertility process has brought me back to when I was thirteen and diagnosed with Glomerulonephritis (Kidney Failure). I was young, going into high school, feeling unworthy to be amongst my classmates. Even then, like now there was hope. I had a mother who had been on dialysis for thirteen years and she was the strongest woman I knew. I watched her work and took care of my older sister and I. My mother made it clear to me that my sickness was not to consume me. It was a situation in my life, but it was not my life. So, while in school I kept up my grades, toured with the my high school choir, and participated in modern, jazz, and hip-hop dancing. All this without any of my classmates knowing I was disabled. I spent 3 years on peritoneal dialysis. A month before my senior prom I received the best news I could have ever asked for. I received my kidney transplant at 17 years old. I am now 40 years old and proud to say that I have maintained a healthy kidney transplant after 23 years. I am a healthy survivor, and we know that with each other we can stand tall as strong parents.

We are ready to share our love with a beautiful baby and will not let our age or years of roadblocks stop us from pursuing every option we can until we have a baby of our own. Our child will enjoy a loving home, and a nurturing environment with supportive extended family and community. My wife and I both believe strongly in good education, faith in God, and will support our child in every way to instill strong morals and values.

We understand and acknowledge that everyone applying for the fundraiser has a story of their own and deserves the chance to become parents. We are grateful for every donation that we are pleading for, Thank you for your love and support. We hope you enjoy watching our wedding video that we have placed for you to view our beautiful love.

Love Two Women and a baby,

DeVonia & Lauren Davis

Name Donation Date
Alicia Wesley $100.00 November 26, 2023