waiting for baby Hagen to make a grand debut..

Los angeles , Ca (US)
Created 5 months ago
Fertility Treatments

waiting for baby Hagen to make a grand debut..

by Mylo Hagen

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $50,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $50,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Los angeles , Ca (US)

Mylo Hagen is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi everyone, my name is Mylo Skye. From a very young age I knew I always wanted to be a parent. But Having congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) /Intersex in vitro fertilization (IVF) is my only option for me and my wife to achieve our goal of being parents. As a baby, there was not a lot of study on CAH, and very early I was told I would not be a parent. They incorrectly told me I was missing sexual organ parts and told my mom to raise me as a girl. They stated that most children with my form of CAH would most likely look female. Well, they were wrong, and as you see from my photo, I am far from being or looking like a female. Lol.

About a couple of years ago, I saw an infertility specialist who said I have a very high chance of having a biological child through IVF with my wife being my surrogate As I would not be able to carry, but I would need at least 4 back-to-back rounds to increase my success rate. The fertility clinic felt bad for me and offered me discounted treatments of 50% off one cycle, My wife and I used all of our savings, praying and hoping one round would do it. But unfortunately, she was carrying twins and miscarried at 6 weeks. The doctor said because I chose to opt out of the additional 5k to genetically test the embryos (I did this in attempts to stretch our dollars as far as we could) that could be the reason, and suggested going forward to pay to test them to allow only healthy embryos to get implanted.

I understand people feel like I should just adopt or give up. But I am currently a foster parent . And I am considering adoption at some point, but I also want my own biological kids as after me, my last name and legacy ends, being an only child of my parents. I truly believe God will bless us with children as my wife keeps having a recurring dream of a baby girl’s face and matching outfits. If you could please help us by praying, or donating whatever you can, Thanks for taking the time to read my story.

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