We all deserve to be parents! ?
We all deserve to be parents! ?
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Magda Reyes is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi everybody my name is Magda. I’m here with a heavy heart. ❤️ I’m an immigrant with no family here but I am married to a wonderful man and my high-school sweetheart. We dated for a long time before we said I do.
On our younger years we were ignorants about how things needed to be addressed medical wise. Also, without knowing what to do the doctor put me on pills to regulate my period but unfortunately that never help.
I developed PCOS which increases the chance of being overweight and as well as diabetes and decreases the chance to become pregnant. So, making our situation even worse.
After trying for over 10+ years we decided to go to a fertility clinic and for a shocking surprise I’m able to get pregnant but my chances are low because I’m already at my 40’s but there’s a chance and that makes me overwhelmed by happiness.
Just knowing that we can finally become parents, and that our desire and dream of our hearts can come true, it’s unbelievable. It has been years of dreaming in a possibility to be parents even before we got married.
But as an immigrant our hope gets limited. People laughed in our face like, we’re crazy for trying. We have been rejected for loans over and over again. No friends supporting us in this because they don’t want to mixed money and friendship. Honestly, nobody want to help us and we’re destroyed by sadness and feelings hopeless.
It’s hard to believe that to have a baby, pretty much have to pay for it. It makes me so sad, that so many people out there don’t want their kids and some of us so desperately want to be parents.
We don’t know what else to do and that’s the reason we’re here today trying to raise 50k in 13 weeks to continue the treatment of IVF and medications. We used everything we had to start the process but we never knew it was going to cost so much. Please, help us to make our dream come true. That’s all we have ever wanted, it’s to be parents.
We love kids and me as a ECE teacher is my biggest dream to have my own child to teach and guide. Thank you to everyone that has take the time to read this and hoping you can make our dream a reality.
God bless you and your family and May God bless you with abundance. Amén! ? Thank you. ?
We all deserve to be parents!
It's been a bumpy road.
Hello Everyone, I\'m happy to give a little update even though I would of like to be a better outcome but here we are pushing everyday. So far it\'s been hard now we\'re trying to come up with 12k for medicines which insurance and coupon it\'s not enough so I\'m trying to stay positive and think about the best of the situation. Please keep praying for us. It\'s not an easy situation because unfortunately all becomes to money. But I know every tears I cry it will have their compensation. Thank you so much again for every seed that you have deposited in this empty vase the more seeds you deposit the more this seeds will grow to become a beautiful plant.
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Magda Reyes is organizing this fundraiser.