Were missing a link. Help us complete our family!!
Were missing a link. Help us complete our family!!
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Isabel Cercone is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi, my name is Isabel and my husband’s name is Raymond. We met playing an online game called Word of Warcraft. We started talking in the game while defending our city of Stormwind from the Horde. Our connection was so strong that we ended up meeting in real life and getting married. We are soulmates.
We have been trying to get pregnant for almost ten years, but we we haven’t been able to because of my age. I was 42 at the time when we first started trying. We both got tested. My husband is younger than me so everything is ok from his side, me on the other hand was not ok. I was told by my dr. that I was almost not ovulating at all, that me getting pregnant was almost not going to happened. As you age, your eggs age as well, and ovulation goes down hill. We both were so upset, so sad. I felt tremendous guilt.
As for right now, IVF is our last hope but it has to be done right away. I just turned 53, to qualify for the treatment I have to be under 55, so I only have two years left to try! After that you need a surrogate and its way more expensive, so its completely out of the question for us. We are running against time!
We already started the IVF process with ORM Fertility in Portland OR. The price they told us is about 50k. for the whole treatment, including the egg donor. We applied for a loan and got approved for only 34k, so we are hoping we get help raising the remaining 16k
I hate to ask for help but we are desperate! If you find it in your heart to support our long struggle to complete our family with even a few dollars, it will be greatly appreciated from the button of our hearths .❤️
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Isabel Cercone is organizing this fundraiser.