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Showing 6001–6012 of 6471 results
Boy Joy Sparkle
Hello! My name is Veronica. I am a mother of 4 amazing girls, crazy I know. I was in a…
Pyzalski Frozen Embryo Transfer
Hello, We are Matt and Gina. Matt served 20 years on submarines and is a retired Navy man. Gina is…
IVF/Infertility treatment
Hello, my name is Nicole and I been trying to conceive for almost 10 years. In 2006 & 2014 I…
To raise a child
My name is Jonathan Scott I'm from Little Rock Arkansas and I am raising money to make my dream of…
The gift of a new life
My name is Antionette and have struggled with infertility since July 2019. I recently had a surgery to remove a…
Gillam IVF journey
My name is Shannon and my wife’s name is Theresa. My wife and I have looked into many thing trying…
Ivf help
Hello. My name is Callie and I have had three miscarriages and infertility for four years. I have tried fertility…
The Gift of Parenthood
My name is Paulina, and I have been battling for years with PCOS and miscarriages. PCOS is Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome,…
Cheyenne and Jonathon’s IVF Journey
My Daughter Cheyenne has always wanted to be a Wife and Mother. When she and Jonathon met, she knew she…
Preston’s future to have a child from ivf
My name is Wahkinna Preston I started having kids at the age of 15 I had my second child at…
Fertility medication
My name is Amber and I have endometriosis, commonly referred to as endo for those who may not know. Endo…
Rogers IVF fundraiser
My name is Brooke I have endometriosis which causes 1 in 8 women painful menstrual cycles and Infertility. I had…