Jessica’s Fertility Preservation Journey

Created 2 years ago
Egg Preservation

Jessica’s Fertility Preservation Journey

by Jessica Warner

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $25,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $100.00

    Funds Raised
  • 236

    Days to go
$100.00 raised of $25,000.00 Goal
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Jessica Warner is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello, my name is Jessica and I was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve about 3 years ago. I’m on a journey now to preserve my fertility so that in the future I can have a biological child with my future husband.

God has opened some major doors to allow this journey, one of those by providing a part time job that I’m able to work along with my full time job that has benefits to cover a huge chunk of the financial burden that fertility issues can have.

Please watch the video for more details of my journey.

I would love for you to come into agreement with me for this journey to be successful and God to get all of the glory from it! If you feel led to donate to help cover the expenses that I’ll be paying out of pocket that is also greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

  • 12-24-2022

    1st Retrieval Complete….2 To Go

    I had my 1st retrieval done on October 30th 2022. They retrieved 6 eggs and 5 of those were mature. So I have 5 eggs frozen in time now.

    I had my follow up with my doctor at the end of November. He gave me the information I already knew I was going to get, but hearing it from him definitely stung a bit. With my 5 eggs scientifically speaking I have an 18% chance of a live birth. I have faith and believing that I’ll have God math on my side though!

    He did discuss with me and wanted me to think about making embryos for my next two retrievals that I can get with the benefits I have.

    I’m still very undecided there. I understand the fact that having embryos in the freezer that they are more “hearty” and do better thawing and then they don’t have to be fertilized after thaw either. Those are the two steps that you lose numbers with just freezing eggs. Let’s not forget my eggs aren’t a spring chicken either.

    The plan is to start my other two retrievals the beginning of the year. I’m thinking February/March. I am needing to save up for the travel costs and my deductible resets January 1st so I’ll be paying that.

    I also have to make some decisions about making embryos and if I’m going to shop for a donor or not.

    If you can please agree with me in prayer for the following items it would greatly be appreciated:
    ? That I’ll have clear discernment as if I should use a donor to make embryos or continue just egg retrievals
    ? That the finances needed for travel, my deductible and to pay for a donor (if I go that route) won’t be a burden
    ? With these next retrievals that all my follicles will grow together and will all have a mature egg (I had some very uneven growth last time, at one time they were counting 11 follicles but I had ones that were just very slow growing and not responding well)
    ? That my right ovary will respond better than it did the last cycle

    I want to thank everyone for your prayers through all of this. It’s a lot for sure. I’ll continue to try to keep this updated as I move forward.

    I wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $50.00 October 12, 2022
Crystal Tillotson $50.00 October 10, 2022
Crystal Tillotson commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
God will see you through this journey! Love ya girl!