A Christmas baby wish!

Raleigh, NC (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

A Christmas baby wish!

by Hya Prevette

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $14,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $50.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$50.00 raised of $14,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Raleigh, NC (US)

Hya Prevette is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello, our story began about five years ago when my husband and I decided to get married and immediately start a family. At the time, we didn’t think it would be this difficult to get pregnant but after about a year and a half of trying without success, we decided to see a fertility specialist where I was diagnosed with PCOS and a retroverted uterus. Both of us passed our labs with flying colors, no issues but when it came time to having the saline ultrasound done, I had a difficult time as it was painful for me; unfortunately, the doctor that was doing the procedure was not very sympathetic to me and basically thought I was lying about it being painful. Once the appointment was over, I ran out of his office in tears. I got in my car and called my husband, needless to say, he was very upset. After that episode, I never went back. I was quite dismayed over this that I didn’t see another specialist until April 2021. I started seeing a female specialist and what a difference! She was attuned to my needs and was always asking me if there’s anything she could do to make me more comfortable. After all the required tests were done (blood work, semen analysis, radiology, etc.) she gave us very good odds and hubby and I were very hopeful. Our doctor wanted to start us on IUI (intrauterine insemination) along with taking Clomid. I had such a difficult time with the IUI that my doctor stopped and told me she will not be able to do the procedure if I stay in pain. She left the room and gave me a few minutes to relax and tried again. I guess I was so scared about not being able to do the procedure that I was able to hide the pain.
After the IUI came the waiting game, my doctor basically told me that if I get my period then I’m not pregnant, simple as that. Unfortunately, my period did come. Then we did another IUI, then another. None were successful. 3 IUIs were all that our insurance would cover for a lifetime so we stopped. My doctor told me that we have a 60% chance of getting pregnant if we do IVF. I was quoted $20,000 for one treatment! Since I have difficulty when it comes to specialists messing with my uterus, I thought I would stay with her and try to raise $20,000. After careful consideration and research, hubby and I decided it would be best if we went somewhere cheaper and a little more affordable. As we try to save as best we can, we are hopeful that someone out there can/is willing to help us throughout this process. We wish everyone out there Happy Holidays and may 2022 bring good luck and a fruitful year!

From hopeful soon-to-be parents,

Hya & Dylan

Name Donation Date
Rex Hoppa $50.00 December 15, 2021