Ashly and Tara IVF fund

White Lake , MI (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Meds

Ashly and Tara IVF fund

by Tara Richardson

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $25,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $25,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
White Lake , MI (US)

Tara Richardson is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hi my name is Tara and I have the most amazing wife in the world Ashly. Ever since I was 13 years old I struggled with endometriosis. I had multiple surgeries and went through so much pain until finally I had to have a hysterectomy at 33 years old. While the realization of never giving birth to a child was a difficult path to take, I knew that experiencing the magic of pregnancy through my beautiful wife would fill my heart just as much.

We have been trying to conceive for 3 years now. We started our journey by ordering our sperm from Cryos and having it delivered to our home. We just wanted to go for it and let love lead us up the path to pregnancy. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. After several failed attempts we decided to see an OBGYN and have Ashly’s blood work done. As it turns out she has a low AMH (egg count) which makes it difficult to conceive. This could possibly be due to her age, she is 34.

Knowing about her AMH our OBGYN started her on a fertility medication that helps with ovulation. We kept trying at home and praying it would work. Sadly we had several more failed attempts. We decided that we needed the help of the experts which lead us to Michigan Reproductive Medicine. We started down the path of intrauterine insemination. We have had 2 natural IUI cycles and 1 medicated cycle that have not been successful. We are currently awaiting cycle number 4’s results. We are hopeful but also realistic that if this doesn’t work we may need to move on to IVF.We have both always wanted to be a mothers. It has always been a dream for both of us to build a family that is inclusive and full of love. We are planning to adopt in the future and we would prefer to adopt older children rather than a baby. We know that statistically children over 7 are adopted far less often than younger kids and that breaks our hearts. However we would still love to have the experience of nurturing our child all the way from conception to adulthood.

What we are praying for is a chance to make our dream of starting our family happen through IVF. This journey has had many ups and downs but through our love and faith we are stronger than ever. Please help us to bring our dream to life.