Baby Williams for Brittney and Markel

Omaha, NE (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Baby Williams for Brittney and Markel

by Brittney Williams

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Omaha, NE (US)

Brittney Williams is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Markel and Brittney first met in 2007 in their high school English class. This meeting was awkward and nothing like love at first sight. Markel was fond of Brittney, however, she had no idea that Markel existed. Finally, one night in early 2008 Markel decided to take a chance and let Brittney know how he felt. Unfortunately, nothing went according to plan. It took Markel a few more attempts to convince Brittney to take a chance on him. It was on March 28, 2008, that they shared their very first date. That day, the fireworks sparked and the butterflies fluttered. The two of them strolled the downtown streets, ending the night at a restaurant known as “Burger King.” The date may have been simple and tame, but that didn’t matter to either of these lovebirds, because to them, it felt that all the cosmic particles in the universe had finally aligned.
For the next five years, Brittney and Markel would date on-and-off. In these emerging adolescent years, they were both trying to figure out who they were as individuals, and wondering how they could grow together. They graduated high school together, they moved out on their own at the same time, they began full-time employment, they began college, they turned 21 not too far off from one another. They shared all of these milestones and were facing the “real world” at the same time, taking them in different directions. However, no matter where life took each of them, they always ended up back together. In 2013, Markel and Brittney decided they were done being apart and wanted to dive into the deep end to make this relationship what it was meant to be. They moved in together, and decided that no matter what, it was them against the world: forever and always. The next year, they bought a house together, which they followed up by getting their dog (affectionately called son) Reptar. They then completed more of their life together: graduating college, becoming engaged, traveling the country, and having a COVID-era wedding. Their set wedding date was March 28, 2020 (12 years from their first date). But, the world had a different plan. Determined, they ended up getting married in their garage, socially distanced with 10 of their closest family members. It was not quite what they imagined, but it ended up being exactly what they needed. No matter what life presented to them, they could do it as long as they were together.
Brittney and Markel have created a wonderful life together that is filled with supportive family and friends, unconditional love, and many experiences and memories. Brittney and Markel have wanted to expand their family since they started dating all those years back. They joked about names for their twins since their first few dates (Brittney’s mom is a twin, it was always assumed that they would have twins). There has always been a plan to get married after they graduate college, take some time to enjoy being married and then have children. Brittney and Markel have always agreed they wanted three children with the hopes of one set of twins. What they did not realize is how challenging their journey would be. After a year of trying to get pregnant naturally with no luck, Brittney went to see a doctor to see if there was a simple explanation. This is when the year-long journey begun: what was the problem? The first primary care doctor explained that Brittney’s thyroid numbers were slightly off but it was likely nothing. He suggested that she see an OBGYN to follow up. The OBGYN did not believe there were any signs of big issues as Brittney had a normal cycle and ovulated on her own. Brittney and Markel felt that was great news; they were going to have answers soon enough. The OBGYN sent Brittney for some standard tests; blood work, an ultrasound, and a HSG. It was at that appointment they discovered that both of Brittney’s fallopian tubes were fully blocked and potentially had fluid building up. Brittney and Markel were simply heartbroken. Their journey started with so much hope, but in that moment, it had come crashing down in front of them. With blocked tubes, IVF is the only option. But the question was: how could they afford something so expensive?
Brittney and Markel knew that there was a chance they would not be able to take this next step and were scared that their dream of adding to their family would no longer be possible. Neither of them had health insurance that covers the cost of IVF; they discussed constantly about how they could make it work. If this turned out to be their only option, if they ended up not being able to have children, how would they even begin to cope? Brittney was sent to a RE to find out more information. It was determined that they would have to have a laparoscopy to see the damage to the fallopian tubes. Both of Brittney’s fallopian tubes were blocked with significant amounts of scar tissue. One tube was twisted and had a growth attached that was causing more damage to the other tube. They both needed to be removed if there was any chance of Brittney carrying a baby in the future. Brittney and Markel’s only option of getting pregnant is through IVF. Thankfully, the other factors to getting pregnant are normal and all signs point to being great candidates for IVF. Brittney and Markel have been doing the best they can to prepare emotionally and financially for this next step in their journey to parenthood. It has not been easy, but together, they can do anything. This grant would give them the chance they need to continue their long journey, leaving them more prepared and with less financial stress. Brittney and Markel deserve this grant because their story of parenthood shows their destiny, and this is just one more challenge they will tackle together, just like always.