Blessings of Motherhood

Birmingham , Al (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Blessings of Motherhood

by Lakeysha Foster

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $7,500.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $7,500.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Birmingham , Al (US)

Lakeysha Foster is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

My name is Lakeysha Foster I’m 47 years young and I am Unable to get pregnant naturally had tubal pregnancy 02/05/1998 only have one tube with scar tissue my baby would have been 23 yrs old . It hurts so much Im just praying that one day I can become a mom it’s my / our biggest wish to have some twin boys to love and raise I’m an only child and I feel my life is not complete without the love of my own child/ children oh how I lone for and pray for the day to hear those words mommy I love you.  It’s always a thought in my head when am I gonna become a mom or if I will ever be I’ve been trying and trying and no luck naturally. Doctors have said that I could have scar tissue removed but it still may not better the chances by me only having one tube left and that in vitro fertilization is also and option and the cost being the same for both I stand a better chance with in vitro than scar tissue removal. The cost is getting somewhat affordable but still a little out of my reach without the help of others financially so I’m doing a fundriser to see if someone anyone will see this and can feel and understand how this hurts so much to want to be a parent and want to make your parent a grand parent which I know my mom lone to become a grandmother. I ask my mom how would she feel if I never become mom she said she’s ok with it now but I know in my heart of  hearts it’s hurting for her too. She is just being a great mom and trying to be supportive as always, she is one of my biggest supporter. So I’m asking Please can u please grant me / us this one opportunity in life to become the best mom / parents ever. Thank you in advance for the opportunity to become one of the best mom/ parents in the world.