Building Our Family After Cancer

Charlotte, NC (US)
Created 6 months ago

Building Our Family After Cancer

by Janet LaMar

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $30,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $5,563.00

    Funds Raised
  • 172

    Days to go
$5,563.00 raised of $30,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Charlotte, NC (US)

Janet LaMar is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Dear Family and Friends,

My Son, Ryan and his wife, Katie are in need of a surrogate to help them start a family. This has been a very emotional journey for all of us, but especially for them.

Please see their story below. Many thanks for any form of support you can offer to help them bring their baby in to the world.

With sincere gratitude,



Ryan and I met six years ago in May of 2018 in Aruba.  I was on a bachelorette trip and Ryan was on a work trip for team building. We met on an ATV tour, and it turned out we were staying at the same resort. By the end of the trip, we realized we wanted to get to know each other more.

Ryan was living in Boston at the time, and I was living in Charlotte. Post-Aruba, we started texting each other occasionally, that quickly became daily, and before we knew it, we were FaceTiming each other every day.

Finally, in July, Ryan flew out to Charlotte for a weekend trip. That weekend went so well that he flew back the next weekend for my birthday! From there, I knew we had something special.  We did long distance for a few months, which felt like forever. Everything was going great except for the distance.

In September of 2018, I was feeling sick often, so my best friend dragged me to the emergency room. The next day I was sent to a specialist and there I was diagnosed with ovarian and pancreatic cancer. The diagnosis did not look good. Now, I had to break this news to my new boyfriend whom I’d just met five months ago.  He told me I’m crazy to think he wouldn’t want to be a part of my life because of this.

Ryan relocated to Charlotte as soon as possible to support me through all the surgeries and hospital visits. They had to remove one ovary where the cancer was located, and performed a whipple surgery on my pancreas. Thankfully, the surgeries were a success. And I was able to keep one of my ovaries.

In July 2020, Ryan proposed, and we were married in October 2021.  We immediately started trying for a baby. After months of no success, we went to see a fertility specialist. That is when it was revealed that the cancer had spread to the uterus – which no one expected, including my oncologist. Immediately, his recommendation was a full hysterectomy. We dreamt of being parents so we seeked out help to start IVF – embryo preservation. We are so grateful that we ended up with six strong embryos through this process.

From there, we did a hormonal therapy treatment study trial to see if it could treat the cancer. In the meantime, we also went to MD Anderson in Houston for a second opinion. Ultimately, the hormone treatment was unsuccessful, and the second opinion resulted in the same recommendation, a full hysterectomy. The exact word from my oncologist was, “Katie, you can’t be a mommy if you are not here” .  He is right but it was still one of the hardest thing to hear and accept. I wouldn’t be able to carry my own children.

Because this cancer was spreading, my oncologist urged us to have the surgery as soon as possible. The surgery was successfully performed in April of 2023. Currently, I do not need any other treatments, I am “cancer free” – it still feels weird to say, I think all my cancer warriors out there can agree with me on that.. Now, once again, we are ready and excited to start growing our family.

Throughout the years, cancer has taken so many parts of my life – mental, physical, the daily rollercoaster of emotions that I have had to fight through, but I will not let it take away my dream of being a mom. We still want to grow our family but we must go the route of surrogacy.  The estimated cost from our Surrogacy Agency will range from $130,000 to $160,000.

Therefore, with the amount of money it costs to have a surrogate carry our child, in addition to all the medical expenses we have incurred over the years, my mother-in-love has graciously put together this fundraiser to help ease some of the financial burden.

We have been matched with an amazing surrogate and we are so excited to go on this journey!  We are extremely grateful for whatever you are able to contribute.

Thank you all from the bottom of our heart! May God bless you always.

Katie LaMar

  • 05-09-2024

    Progress Update

    January 16, 2024 – Matched with our surrogate
    April 29, 2024 – Contract was signed by all parties
    April 30, 2024 – Medical clearance received for our beautiful surrogate!

    Transfer is expected to be completed mid-June!

    Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful moms!
    It is official! Thank you all for your love and support! If you feel called to help please consider donating and/or sharing our story.
    May God bless you and keep you.

    ***Check out our Agency! –

    – Katie & Ryan

Name Donation Date
Daniel LaMar $200.00 June 16, 2024
Gregory Davis $250.00 May 22, 2024
Elana Clayman $75.00 May 18, 2024
Loretta Prino $500.00 May 17, 2024
Noreen Cavaliere $100.00 May 16, 2024
Imraan Hosein $100.00 May 13, 2024
K Smith $100.00 May 10, 2024
Heather Rosenfeld $100.00 May 09, 2024
Nick Sapia $200.00 May 08, 2024
Jess Bolton $50.00 May 08, 2024
Anonymous $100.00 May 06, 2024
Karen & JP Quiambao-Middleton $150.00 May 05, 2024
Becky Sail $100.00 May 05, 2024
Rich & Tal Duda $100.00 May 05, 2024
Brandon LaMar $1,053.00 May 05, 2024
Anonymous $510.00 April 30, 2024
Robin Murray $50.00 April 28, 2024
Phil Abrams $200.00 April 21, 2024
Kathy & Rich Mosher $150.00 April 19, 2024
Dan Schloss $100.00 April 19, 2024
Kelly Shay $50.00 April 19, 2024
Ali and Jeff Love $500.00 April 19, 2024
Aubrie Szeli $50.00 April 19, 2024
Anonymous $65.00 April 19, 2024
Andres Garcia $300.00 February 05, 2024
Tanya Nguyen $100.00 February 01, 2024
Cesar Rodriguez $60.00 January 31, 2024
Kaleigh Basile $150.00 January 31, 2024
Jen Rmah $100.00 January 31, 2024
Daniel LaMar commented with a $200 donation about 1 month ago
Thinking about you guys
Gregory Davis commented with a $250 donation about 2 months ago
We love you Katie and Ryan! We are praying you will be able to start your family together! Greg, Katie, and Freddie
Elana Clayman commented with a $75 donation about 2 months ago
Wishing you guys all the best in your journey towards parenthood!
Loretta Prino commented with a $500 donation about 2 months ago
Karen & JP Quiambao-Middleton commented with a $150 donation about 3 months ago
Good luck!! We love you guys!!
Becky Sail commented with a $100 donation about 3 months ago
Love you both so much!!
Kelly Shay commented with a $50 donation about 3 months ago
Good luck to you!
Ali and Jeff Love commented with a $500 donation about 3 months ago
Katie and Ryan, we are in constant admiration of your strength as you both have navigated through your journey to this point. We know you two will be the BEST parents because of the love you show our girls. There will be ups and downs as parents but we're so hopeful you two will be able to experience those first-hand and of course we'll be here to support you, and spoil them rotten like you do ours, every step along the way!
Aubrie Szeli commented with a $50 donation about 3 months ago
Sending lots of love and prayers!