Funding Baby Sprout

Created 5 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Funding Baby Sprout

by Ruairi Criswell Kuiper

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $7,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 29

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $7,000.00 Goal
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Ruairi Criswell Kuiper is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hi there! My name is Ruairi Criswell Kuiper. My spouse Atlas and I have been making moves towards having a baby for quite a while now. We are both trans people, so need the help of a sperm donor and fertility treatments to concieve. We had a couple of cycles with a known donor, and suffered an early miscarriage during that time. After moving to Vermont, we are pursuing treatment through a local clinic with a bank-stored donor. We’ve been consulting with REI for almost a year now, and while we had one early pregnancy, that baby unfortunately also didn’t make it to term, and we’ve continued to try different meds, different doses, different tests and procedures just about every month.

The financial strain is starting to show. Recently, our first choice donor ran out of samples and we had to switch banks. Unfortunately the cost is much higher at our new bank, and we are hitting the end of any savings we had.

We’re very much in need of community support to make this dream of parenthood a reality. Atlas and I have known since the beginning of our relationship that we wanted to be parents together, and that desire has only increased over the years. As we have continued to build community here in Vermont, we can picture more and more the joy and connection we want to cultivate as parents.

We are hoping for our positive test any month. In the meantime, we need some help tackling the rising costs of treatments. Please, if you can donate or share, it would mean the world to us. All our hopes are on a late 2024/early 2025 baby. Thank you for your help in making this dream a reality!