Gio & Melissa’s IVF Journey

El Paso, TX (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Gio & Melissa’s IVF Journey

by Melissa Santiago

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
El Paso, TX (US)

Melissa Santiago is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

My name is Melissa Santiago, I am battling infertility and my husband and I have made the difficult yet exciting decision to start our IVF journey. In 2018 I was diagnosed with stage IV Endometrioisis. This disease also referred to as “Endo” causes the tissue that lines the uterus, to grow outside of the uterus on other organs such as the intestines, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. It is a very painful disorder, debilitating at times and in some cases, like mine, causes infertility. After years of irregular menstrual cycles, unexplained pain and inconclusive tests, I developed a tumor the size of a grapefruit under my ovary. During surgery, my OBGYN found my uterus was full of lesions and excess tissue covering my pelvic floor, ovaries and bladder, Endometriosis. Endo can only be diagnosed through surgery, it does not have a cure as of yet, on average it takes 10 years to be diagnosed due to lack of research. I was briefed on my options for pain and my lack of options of becoming a mother; the option of a Hysterectomy was even recommended at one point due to the rapid growth and constant pain my Endo was causing. Through a couple years of total lifestyle changes, weight control and procedures I was then met with a dead end in my fertility options. Now, five years later of trying to conceive naturally, one miscarriage and overcoming thyroid cancer, my husband and I have made the decision to go forward to this last resort. This extremely difficult, and trying new endeavor leads us to a path that I can only hope will end in success. With that being said, we only have this one chance, one cycle, one child to make our dreams come true. It is my ultimate goal and dream in life to be blessed enough to be a mommy. I often have very lifelike dreams of me being pregnant and I just hold onto that and my faith. I need help, IVF is shockingly expensive and yet it seems unfair that something like being a mom would be so hard to achieve, here I am in this moment facing that reality. Honestly, even just $5 would mean so much to me. My consult is set for December 22nd 2022 and that alone is $300. I am doing everything I can to help my husband with this load he is carrying for me, for us. I am asking from an extremely humble place for any help that anyone could give. And most importantly, at the very least yet also the very most, a prayer for us. Thank you for reading.