Going for Hope

Erlanger, KY (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Going for Hope

by Zylkia Swensen

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $1.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$1.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Erlanger, KY (US)

Zylkia Swensen is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

My name is Zylkia, you can call me Zee. I have been married for years and my husband and I don’t have children together. I am a Medical Discharge from the Army. We have been trying to get pregnant put my Fallopian tubs are missing. I need IVF and we really can’t afford it. I have been saving, and donations are always welcome and appreciated, but mostly I want to use the sales of my book to pay for IVF. Killing 2 birds with one stone. I am a Publish Author. Suicide Prevention should be taken more seriously, and I am hoping my story will help at least one soul.
I wrote a book about myself and my struggle with mental health. The book was Published by Covenants Books Publishing. Title: The Voice of a phoenix. I also design Merch to show off that : My life matters, and taking care of yourself is a must before you can take care of others.

Having a baby will solidify my life, and I would start a new life. I really appreciate the donations, but I also like to give something back. Online Book makes the most money for me so consider audiobooks or Kindle. thank you so much for taking the timer to read all this.

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $1.00 January 10, 2022