Carrier family.

Norwood, La (US)
Created 3 years ago

Carrier family.

by Anna Allen

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Norwood, La (US)

Anna Allen is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hey my name is Anna Allen I am 25 and I am happily engaged to Stonewall Carrier with a 9 year old little girl who is our world! She’s not actually my fiancé’s biological daughter but by looking at them you would never knows she wasn’t! We will be getting married March 26, 2022 and we are so excited! We are ready to grow this family and give ReeciDay (our daughter) a sibling! But first let me tell you a little background and why I’m here writing this. I honestly hate that I even have to write this but when I was 15 I found myself on a Wednesday night right before church with my best friend in a gas station bathroom crying and laughing from disbelief from a positive pregnancy test. Then fast forwarding to my delivery I’m now 16 and being homeschooled my junior year in high school. On September 10, 2012 at 3 AM I was scheduled to be induced at 40 weeks. I went in and everything was fine they hooked up my IV and started the process of labor. Everything was fine but also going so slow I ended up getting an epidural around 4 PM. At 9 PM I was finally dilated and started pushing. I pushed and pushed for two hours and I got her head at the end to were you could see her hair cause she had a head full and still does! But they said she had turn and she was to big to turn back and she had become stuck. So they had to preform a emergency C- Section. They brought me in and by this point my epidural was wearing off and I could feel a lot! They had to push her with their hand back up to my uterus then they started to cut her out. When they pulled her out of my belly I felt it all, all the pressure all the pain I felt it. They brought her to my face and I saw her but only briefly shortly after they rushed my parents out the room and called a code on me I was hemorrhaging fast and fading even faster. I woke up hours later with a purple and black stomach from them pushing trying to make my uterus contract. In a small room with tubes and IVs and blood being put back in my body. Then I was moved to ICU finally after a day I got to hold my baby girl and shortly after a week I was stable and released home to recover hoping all the worries were gone. I was sadly mistaken 3 weeks later I was asleep in bed woke up to what I thought was me peeing on myself I went to the bathroom and looked down and it was blood running down my leg fast as if I had been cut I yelled for my mom and by the time she had got there I had hit my knees from being weak. I started crying and begging for help she called 911 and then I started to fade away my vision got blurry and the blood wasn’t stopping I was laying in a puddle of blood praying I wasn’t going to die the paramedics arrived and rushed me to the hospital there was a trail of blood from the ambulance into the ER. They got me stable and started blood transfusions then I was rushed to another hospital where they did a DNC thinking maybe some placenta was left in my uterus and that’s why I was hemorrhaging. I stayed in the hospital once again being separated from my baby and once stable I was released praying it was fixed. Ready to get home to heal! Sadly I was so wrong once again. 3 weeks pasted and this time I was sitting on the couch and I felt it and I knew just what was happening I was hemorrhaging again. But this time wasn’t like the time before it was faster and I was so scared I grabbed a towel and held it between my legs trying to keep from letting the blood out I got in the car and laid on my back with my legs up trying so hard to hold my on blood in. My mom got me to the hospital and they started with the blood transfusions but they couldn’t help me so they had to transfer me once again. They got me as stable as they could then sent me off. I remember feeling each clot pass through my thighs not being able to stop it. Getting weaker and weaker I remember the tears my mom cried as she prayed over my weak bloody body as I laid on a stretcher and there was nothing she could do I felt so tired this time and so helpless I just wanted to sleep but they wouldn’t let me and I was cold I was so cold the paramedic was clueless and didn’t know what to do my mom called the doctor and she told her to squeeze the blood from the IV get it in my body. We got to the hospital and I was instantly rushed into surgery I had passed out and woke up to lot of tears from those around me trying to figure out what happen. Well they had to take my uterus it was the only way to save me my heart was broke at 16. Even though I’m so blessed to have my daughter it was a hard thing to hear. I fear I would never be loved cause I would never be able to have my future husbands child and no one would love me because of it. But I found a man that loves me no matter what happens! And I thank God for him and my daughter daily! But we do want another baby with that being said and they thankfully allowed my to keep my ovaries! So we will use his sperm and my eggs and we will have a carrier but this process isn’t cheap and that’s why I’m here to ask that this grant be giving to us so we can give this little girl a sibling, him his first child, and just for us to grow our family. Thank you for your time and for hearing my story!