Help Us Become Successful In our IVFR Journey

Thorndale, PA (US)
Created 8 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Help Us Become Successful In our IVFR Journey

by Porscha Hoggard

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Thorndale, PA (US)

Porscha Hoggard is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Warm greetings to you! If you stumbled upon this message, I hope it finds you in good health and happiness. We are starting this fundraiser today to share an intimate and heartfelt cause that is deeply significant to our family. This fundraiser is to support our journey to expand our family through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). With your kindness and support, we believe we can fulfill our dream of giving our child a loving sibling.

Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Porscha and my wife’s name is Jade. Tying the knot with Jade allowed me to gain a bonus child. Our journey as parents has been immensely rewarding, and we cherish every moment we spend with our little one. However, we yearn to complete our family and provide our child with the joy, companionship, and lifelong bond that comes with having a sibling.

After exploring various options, we have determined that IVF is the most viable path for us to conceive another child. While this process offers hope and the potential for our dream to come true, it also comes with significant financial challenges. The cost of IVF treatments, medications, and associated medical expenses can be overwhelming. That is why we are humbly asking for support.

By contributing to our fundraiser campaign, you will be playing a vital role in helping us grow our family. Your generosity will directly impact our ability to continue to access quality medical care and fertility treatments. Your support will not only bring us closer to our dream of having another child but will also give our existing child the precious gift of a sibling. Siblings offer a unique bond, lifelong companionship, and shared memories that shape their lives in countless positive ways.

Here are a few ways your contribution can make a significant difference:

1. Covering the costs of IVF treatments, including consultations, medications, and procedures.
2. Assisting with additional medical expenses, such as fertility tests, lab work, and ultrasounds.
3. Easing the financial burden associated with child care and parental leave during the IVF process.

We are incredibly grateful for any support you can provide. Your donation, no matter the amount, will be a meaningful step toward achieving our dream of expanding our family. We understand that not everyone may be able to contribute financially but we thank you anyway for taking the time to read this.

We firmly believe that when a community comes together with compassion and empathy, incredible things can happen. By joining us on this IVF journey, you will not only be helping us fulfill our dream but also be a part of creating a beautiful bond between siblings that will last a lifetime.

Thank you from the depths of our hearts for taking the time to read our letter and considering our cause. Your support means everything to us, and we are excited to have you as part of our journey. Together, let’s make our dream of expanding our family a reality and give our child the gift of a sibling.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Porscha and Jade