Help us complete the Zoch family with IVF

Hartly, DE (US)
Created 6 months ago
Embryo Adoption

Help us complete the Zoch family with IVF

by Jael Zoch

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $20,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $2,065.00

    Funds Raised
  • 177

    Days to go
$2,065.00 raised of $20,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Hartly, DE (US)

Jael Zoch is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

We are Justin and Jael, and we’re embarking on a deeply personal journey to grow our family through the miracle of IVF and embryo adoption. Let us share a bit of our story with you.

Back in 2019, Jael faced a challenging battle with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. The intensive chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant that saved her life, also left her unable to conceive. However, this never dimmed her dream of becoming a mother.

In 2020, fate brought us together, and we started a beautiful chapter of our lives as a couple. From the outset, we both cherished the dream of parenthood, knowing that our path would be unique. Justin, with a mother who was adopted, has always held a special place in his heart for adoption. Similarly, Jael had nurtured the dream of adopting since she was 19. Despite these deep-seated feelings, we explored various avenues, including a consultation with a fertility clinic in Texas that was quickly dismissed. Knowing we were moving from Texas to Delaware, we put these plans on hold, waiting for the right moment in our new home.

In the fall of 2023, our journey took a decisive turn. We reached out to the Delaware Institute of Reproductive Medicine, where we found a team eager to help us realize our dream. The diagnostics confirmed our suspicions about Jael’s infertility but also brought an unexpected gift of hope: Jael CAN become pregnant through embryo adoption. This is what was intended all along—a chance to adopt and experience the joy of pregnancy.

Now, we reach out to you with open hearts. The road ahead is financially daunting, as our insurance does not cover these procedures, and we are funding this dream out of pocket. We believe with all our hearts that this is our path, but we need a little help to walk it. If you feel moved to support our journey, we would be profoundly grateful for any donation. Your contribution would bring us closer to obtaining our dream of a family. If you’re unable to donate, we would cherish your thoughts and prayers as we embark on this exciting chapter of expanding our family.

“For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him:” – 1 Samuel 1:27

With love and hope,
Justin and Jael

  • 02-10-2024

    Started Meds & What is Embryo Donation

    Baby Zoch update:

    We finished all the diagnostic testing and have been cleared to prep for embryo transfer! Yesterday, I picked up my first batch of meds. I’ll go in on the 21st to check labs and an ultrasound and hopefully a confirmed date for transfer!!

    We’ve had a lot of people ask us what is embryo donation/adoption and I thought I’d take this post to explain. Embryo donation comes from 2 sources: 1) anonymous donor egg & sperm that the clinic pairs and creates or 2) leftover embryos from those who chose IVF. When a couple (or individual) chooses to do IVF, there’s a possibility they end up with more embryos than needed to complete their family. They then have 3 choices for those extra embryos: 1) destroy as biowaste 2) donate to science or 3) donate to clinics for others to “purchase” and give those embryos a life. Embryo donation/adoption is a newer route in the IVF world but has been shown to be as successful, some studies show more than, as standard IVF.

    This is such an incredible journey for us and we are very excited to be moving forward. So many of you have helped support us already and it’s been so humbling to see the donations and words of encouragement. As you know, this isn’t covered by either of our insurances and so we are paying everything out of pocket. We still have our puzzle we are trying to fill up with names of everyone who helped us with this dream. Each puzzle piece is $15 and is so appreciated!!

    Here’s to Baby Zoch 2024 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $100.00 March 08, 2024
Emilee Gaulding $100.00 February 29, 2024
Jennifer Redford $50.00 February 27, 2024
Devin Basinger $25.00 February 23, 2024
Sidney and Steve Rasmussen $100.00 February 11, 2024
Faith Sorensen $100.00 February 11, 2024
Dustin Edwards $500.00 February 10, 2024
John & Amy Foster $50.00 February 10, 2024
Jay and Diane Stewart $100.00 February 01, 2024
Lindsey Thompson $15.00 January 28, 2024
Matt Martin $100.00 January 24, 2024
Lora Justice $200.00 January 23, 2024
Chaz Bryant $50.00 January 22, 2024
Jody Mullins $50.00 January 21, 2024
Kassie Dalsveen $100.00 January 21, 2024
Erika Hernandez $100.00 January 21, 2024
Cheri McPherson $50.00 January 21, 2024
Anonymous $50.00 January 21, 2024
Anonymous $25.00 January 21, 2024
Maddi Cantayre $100.00 January 21, 2024
Heather Brisco $100.00 January 21, 2024