holding on to our last chance at having a family

Woolwich, ME (US)
Created 1 year ago
Embryo Adoption

holding on to our last chance at having a family

by Justin Curtis

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $30,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $1,100.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$1,100.00 raised of $30,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Woolwich, ME (US)

Justin Curtis is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

I never imagined I would ever end up creating my own fundraising campaign. I’ve been blessed in the past and I’ve been able to help so many people in their hard times. I’ve worked my whole life for everything I’ve got and although it is not much I can say I did it myself. Anything I’ve had that was extra was paid forward whether it was groceries to a family in need, changing tires for a stranger on the road, getting a call in the middle of the night that a family has no power or heat and it’s in the middle of winter. I’ve never said no when it came to anyone that has needed a hand and I’ve never asked for anything in return because that’s not what helping is about. Never wanting to be a burden on anything I have never asked for help, if I was starving and didn’t have food I never asked for money. If I ran out of gas in the truck I never asked for money. When I was homeless I never asked to have a place to stay or money. I took my problems and I wore them the best I could and still I did anything I could for the person next to me. As I write this post I am choked up because it something I never imagined doing and despite having my share of rough times this seems to be the one where I’m reaching out for help. My name is Justin and I’m a 28 year old carpenter, I have a beautiful wife named Jennifer. She is also 28 and if I could describe her in a few words I would say she is a funny, kind hearted person who would save the world if she had the right tools. Life has thrown a number of curve balls at us and we’ve done our best to hit every problem with a positive attitude thinking we would be okay. She has had cervical cancer, she currently has diminishing ovarian failure, menopause, PCOS, and endometriosis. The one thing I promised her when I found out about all of this was no matter what I will make her a mom and over the last two years doctors have been coming back with more bad news with every passing visit. About 6 months ago we were officially told that conceiving a child on our own was going to be impossible. Our next course of action has been to find a donor egg. We have just found out after a lot of testing that my wife’s uterus is healthy enough to bring a baby into this world but there is no guarantee that we will have this chance by next year at this time. We have tried to rush the process to not lose the window and we have found our donor which is a 100% match to me which is amazing. We cannot hold the donor because we have been unable to save enough money for a 90 day hold. We need $55,000 and the only way we are able to do it is to extend ourselves beyond our abilities and take out two separate loans which will break us financially with the high interest rates/high monthly payment in general. I cant in good faith ask for more than this as I believe in working for what I want but without asking for help I don’t think it will be possible to get what I want. I’ve never wanted anything more than to be a dad, to carry on my family name and traditions. To make a dream like this come true feels out of reach at this point but hoping I have a little luck left in me I will keep going. We will keep going and I will do anything to bring a baby into this loving home.

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $500.00 November 06, 2023
Anonymous $400.00 August 05, 2023
Anonymous $200.00 August 04, 2023