Hope and Faith for Baby K

Royse City, TX (US)
Created 5 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Hope and Faith for Baby K

by Morgan Knauth

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $6,965.00

    Funds Raised
  • 34

    Days to go
$6,965.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Royse City, TX (US)

Morgan Knauth is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Dear friends and family,

I want to thank you first from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to be here, read this, and consider supporting us financially. If you aren’t able to support us financially, we get it and we covet your prayers.

Ryan and I have been trying to start a family for what will be SIX years this May (2024). We knew going into things that I had a thyroid disease (Hashimotos), which could cause some issues. We were under the impression that as long as it was controlled, we would be fine. We didn’t think it would take long, but a year went by with nothing and my OBGYN wasn’t concerned. I found a new OBGYN but then COVID happened. After COVID, when I was finally able to properly see my doctor, I was diagnosed with PCOS and a year later with endometriosis. At this point, we were referred to a Reproductive Endocrinologist because we would need help. Before I jump ahead to where we are now let me help you understand our diagnosis: Hashimotos, PCOS, and Endometriosis.

* Hashimoto’s disease – This is an autoimmune disease that impacts your thyroid. Your thyroid controls your hormones. Hashimotos has a list of side effects that makes you question how to live at times and it is extremely difficult to diagnose since it’s essentially a yo-yo between hyper and hypo thyroid disease. This means that when going in for checks on your thyroid levels they’re not consistent. It took three years to diagnose mine. For more on the thyroid and fertility watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcbpka22EBc and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XfBkoJJt9w&t=17s.

* Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – This one is confusing. It’s not that you have cysts in the form that most women think of (painful and with the risk of rupturing). This is really an ovulation disorder in the brain and the “cysts” are a side effect. The cysts in the ovaries are actually from eggs not growing and the follicles closing up to form cysts. With PCOS your brain doesn’t interpret the signals from hormones telling it to only grow one egg and ovulate the one egg. Instead, it will try to grow all of the eggs released from the vault at once, but your body doesn’t want to have more than one baby so the growing eggs don’t get enough food to grow to maturation and ovulate. Often patients with PCOS only need help through medication to ovulate, and then they’re good to go, but if you have other issues (like I do – yay) then this isn’t best practice, more assistance is needed. The positive to PCOS is your AMH (egg count) is usually VERY high, which means in IVF you have a likelihood of retrieving many eggs with only one retrieval. This in combination with young age, taking all the supplements, and eating an anti-inflammatory diet usually leads to a higher yield of healthy embryos. For more about PCOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As4V7KyErZw.

* Endometriosis – This one makes me the most angry. The lining of the uterus is the endometrium. Sometimes endometrial tissue ends up outside of the uterus. For a lot of people, this is fine, the tissue doesn’t do anything. For other people (like me) the tissue has cancer-like properties (it’s not identified as cancer but it does act like cancer). The tissue feeds on estrogen and causes extreme inflammation. It grows wherever it wants in the abdomen. A lot of women need surgery to remove it, which damages their fertility… and then like a lot of cancers, it grows back over time. My endometriosis is in my ovary. It filled one of those PCOS cysts and made itself a home. I am lucky that my endometriosis has not blocked my fallopian tubes or caused issues with my AMH, but it doesn’t mean it can’t with time. Endometriosis causes extreme inflammation which makes implantation challenging and means a higher risk of miscarriage in a natural pregnancy because the environment of the uterus isn’t maintained by the doctor.. For more on Endo, listen to this: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-88-endometriosis-menstrual-backwash/id1299915173?i=1000547532523 or watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqsq5s9TuVk,

We saw an REI in the DFW area in early 2022. This doctor was only concerned with my PCOS and took a very conservative approach. After many months of ovulation induction and my endometriosis pain becoming as debilitating as it was in High School (because it was growing and not being treated), we decided to take a break. When we pulled the trigger again we would find a new doctor since this one wasted a year of our time. Spring of 2023 we found our current doctor who has helped us advocate for ourselves before we were even her patient. She has a great plan and is taking it head on with my endometriosis being the lead factor and concern to work around. She also found one other issue, which gave us a small brain tumor scare. I’m fine though. I have hyperprolactinemia. My pituitary gland makes too much prolactin. I view this as a “the chicken or the egg” scenario because 2 things that can cause this are thyroid hormone imbalances and estrogen imbalances – of which I have both.

So, we are asking for your financial support (and prayers, lots of prayers). Our first step is IVF which includes egg retrieval, fertilization, genetic testing of the embryos, and freezing. This is the most costly part of this process. The second step will be a frozen embryo transfer (FET) and waiting to see if it is a sticky embryo that leads to a baby.

I do have to say that what is happening in Alabama concerns me. These types of laws aren’t usually science-based and tend to have a ripple effect in the South and will, without doubt, have a ripple effect on IVF, they already are in Alabama. If you’re curious about what I mean by the ripple effect this could have on IVF, watch this: https://www.newsnationnow.com/video/alabama-fertility-care-in-question-after-ruling-saying-frozen-embryos-are-%e2%80%98children%e2%80%99-newsnation-now/9452061/.  This Alabama situation has sparked urgency. We need your help as soon as possible.

Money given will go first to the IVF procedure costs, then to IVF medications. Completing IVF is our emergent concern. After IVF, any additional funds will go to FET and FET medications. None of this is covered by insurance. Medications needed are not covered by insurance either. Should we have unused funds, we will be donating them to the IVF Grant organization Hope for Fertility. We have purchased a puzzle to frame and display in Baby K’s nursery. For every $5 you donate your name will go on the back of a puzzle piece. If we run out of pieces (what a blessing that would be) we will update with a new way to thank you in memoriam for the literal GIFT you are giving us. 

We’ve seen all of our friends and family members move forward with life starting their families, while we feel frozen fighting a battle we just can’t win without assistance. We need the science of IVF to have a biological child, it is the only way we can have a biological family. We also need financial assistance. We have the doctor, we have the plan, and as soon as we have the funds we can move forward. We have struggled with hope and faith in ways we never thought we would in our lives. Even just having embryos frozen will breathe new hope into us. This is the ultimate gift we could ever receive. Thank you for GIFTING us parenthood!

With love and gratitude,

Morgan & Ryan

  • 06-09-2024

    Almost to an Egg Retrieval!

    Hi, thank you for the support y\'all have shown us so far. God is good and we are almost there for being able to cover the medical procedural cost of an egg retrieval. As of today, we lack $960 to cover that – this doesn\'t include the medications we need to actually carry out the procedure. Those will cost about $4,000 BUT the medical procedure of the retrieval is the most expensive part of all of this ($16,250).

    Our fundraiser is still open! Morgan is also making baby blankets as a fundraiser if you or someone you know needs a baby blanket you can request one at the link below. The cost of the blanket is up to you. You can donate those funds right here, fill out the form, and we will get a blanket made and to you. YES, we will ship the blanket to you as well if necessary. If you don\'t have a baby to buy for you can still help out by sponsoring a blanket to be donated to our local area\'s NICU or foster program. OR if you would like an adult throw-sized blanket, that can be made as well. You can request a blanket (for you or donation) here https://forms.gle/9BGosUwVQXqdNMj59.

    Morgan turns 35 this week (June 14) and we know that age 35 is a big marker for fertility purposes. After 35 your egg quantity and quality begin to shift drastically. It\'s very important that we are able to make embryos this year due to this.

    Thank you all so much for your support. Stay tuned for more updates!!

  • 06-13-2024

    Birthday Update!

    Hi! I wanted to give a HUGE update and just in time for my birthday tomorrow (6/14). We have enough to cover the medical procedure aspect of an egg retrieval! We still need to cover the medications for the procedure so don't stop praying yet BUT the retrieval is the most expensive part of the entire process so this is a big deal and is all thanks to you! If you're willing to share our fundraiser on your social media as my birthday gift I would appreciate it! I am still making blankets as a fundraiser as well.

    THANK YOU! God has been doing some serious miracles lately and I can't wait to see the full testimony of our journey.

Name Donation Date
Ashley Gardner $100.00 June 15, 2024
Mollie Ramirez $100.00 June 15, 2024
Josh Yuja $100.00 June 14, 2024
Alma Limon $50.00 June 14, 2024
Amanda Knauth $530.00 June 14, 2024
Anonymous $20.00 June 14, 2024
Anonymous $45.00 June 14, 2024
Anonymous $200.00 June 11, 2024
Katrina McCune $100.00 June 11, 2024
Anonymous $100.00 June 10, 2024
Margaret Estrada $75.00 June 10, 2024
Darlene & Darren Williams $100.00 June 09, 2024
Nancy Butler $50.00 June 09, 2024
Leslie Ellis $30.00 June 09, 2024
Tracey Archibald $35.00 June 09, 2024
Niki Davis $150.00 June 09, 2024
Erica Morales $25.00 June 09, 2024
Anonymous $20.00 June 09, 2024
Raegan Feuerbacher $30.00 June 09, 2024
Brad Gibson $250.00 June 09, 2024
Payton Torres $40.00 June 09, 2024
Ha Duong $250.00 May 14, 2024
Gabby Brown $25.00 May 14, 2024
Torrie Denny $200.00 May 14, 2024
Michelle Lindsay $100.00 April 29, 2024
Erin Rose $50.00 April 21, 2024
Kaye Wyatt $50.00 April 16, 2024
Denise Davis $25.00 April 11, 2024
Steven Kelysar $500.00 April 05, 2024
Anonymous $100.00 April 02, 2024
Tammy Lindsey $100.00 March 31, 2024
Kalie Sires $50.00 March 26, 2024
Kimberley Lewis $100.00 March 26, 2024
Belinda Feuerbacher $100.00 March 24, 2024
Megan Keller $100.00 March 24, 2024
D’Anne Mosby $100.00 March 24, 2024
Chandler Garber $25.00 March 23, 2024
Natalie Schmidt $20.00 March 21, 2024
Natalie Gleaves $40.00 March 20, 2024
Anonymous $100.00 March 17, 2024
Deborah K. Allen $500.00 March 15, 2024
Katrina McCune $20.00 March 12, 2024
Kimberley Lewis $100.00 March 10, 2024
Chantel Chiu $100.00 March 08, 2024
Katie Whittemore $50.00 March 07, 2024
Sasha Oruaga $10.00 March 06, 2024
Jamie Fry $20.00 March 05, 2024
Andrew Amburn $100.00 March 04, 2024
Steven Keysar $200.00 March 04, 2024
Kathy Spillyards $100.00 March 03, 2024
Autumn Lytle $20.00 March 03, 2024
Amy Van Horn $25.00 March 03, 2024
Rose Love $50.00 March 03, 2024
Brad & Lisa Keysar $1,000.00 March 02, 2024
Myra&Mike Williams $250.00 March 02, 2024
Kiah Russell $10.00 March 01, 2024
Anonymous $25.00 March 01, 2024
Lisa Kelley $100.00 March 01, 2024
Bridgitt Wellman $100.00 March 01, 2024
Mollie Ramirez commented with a $100 donation about 1 month ago
Don’t lose faith, I have lived through this all too familiar heartache. May God bless your family soon with a beautiful baby. It took me a decade, but I finally got mine. Much love and prayers your way!
Tammy Lindsey commented with a $100 donation about 4 months ago
Praying for you both. You’ll be an amazing mom.💛
Belinda Feuerbacher commented with a $100 donation about 4 months ago
Praying for your journey!
Megan Keller commented with a $100 donation about 4 months ago
I am praying for you as you embark on this journey. Love you!
D’Anne Mosby commented with a $100 donation about 4 months ago
Chantel Chiu commented with a $100 donation about 5 months ago
I will be praying daily. I wish you all the blessings In this process.
Sasha Oruaga commented with a $10 donation about 5 months ago
I know it’s not much, however, I wanted to contribute any way I can! Good luck to you both!
Autumn Lytle commented with a $20 donation about 5 months ago
Always praying for y’all! ❤️❤️
Amy Van Horn commented with a $25 donation about 5 months ago
Praying for you!
Brad & Lisa Keysar commented with a $1000 donation about 5 months ago
Wishing you the best! Love from Brad, Lisa and Lindsay.
Kiah Russell commented with a $10 donation about 5 months ago
Wishing you the very best Morgan and Ryan! Prayers for a sticky baby.
Anonymous commented with a $25 donation about 5 months ago
Praying for you ❣️
Lisa Kelley commented with a $100 donation about 5 months ago
Prayers for you both and Baby K ❤️