Ivf fundraiser/ so that I can have a baby!!

Newport News, VA (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Ivf fundraiser/ so that I can have a baby!!

by Dominique Gregory

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Newport News, VA (US)

Dominique Gregory is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

My name is Dominique, few years back I had a tubal ligation done after my third child. I did this because I didn’t want nomore kids. My doctor also told me to do it because of unsaid reasons. So listening to my doctor, I got them tied. Now years later I meet a wonderful man whom I adore and love very much, we been together going on 6 years and engaged for year. He been talking about he wants a child with me, bit I can’t give him one , due to my tubes being tied, and how expensive it is to get them untied. I feel so bad that we talk about having a baby all the time, bit I can’t give him one. I never thought I meet another man who would want a child with me, but now I have one and I can’t give him one. I see him all the time with sad look on his face, looking at baby stuff, etc… I doing this fundraiser to help be able to get this ivf done so I can bless my future husband with a bundle of joy. If you can please help me make this happen ,I will forever be graceful to whoever can help me.