Journey to Baby P

, GA (US)
Created 7 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Journey to Baby P

by Megan Ashley

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $30,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $160.00

    Funds Raised
  • 35

    Days to go
$160.00 raised of $30,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
, GA (US)

Megan Ashley is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello. 🖤 I’m Megan and my husband’s name is Mikey (Michael). We are both 34 years old, newly married parents to 4 older children from previous marriages. Mikey is a Blackhawk helicopter pilot in the Army and I run a community for mental health awareness on social media. Since Mikey is in the Army (17 years in so far!), we use Tricare health insurance. And they do not cover any of our fertility treatments whatsoever, unfortunately. So, we are having to do this with our own savings. It costs roughly $30,000 per cycle when you factor in the cost to the clinic ($18,000), genetic testing ($1800),  meds ($5,000+), anesthesia ($700) and the embryo transfer ($5,000). We have enough saved for one cycle. But, we got bad news at the doctor.

We had met with fertility specialists and were fed a lot of false hope until we found our current doctor. She diagnosed me with DOR (diminished ovarian reserve) at age 33. Most women my age have 8-16 follicles (follicles contain one immature egg) every month .. I have 4. So, 4 eggs to work with during a cycle. I’ve never smoked, never done drugs, and I have maybe 1-2 drinks a year.. if that. So, my infertility is simply unexplained and frustrating. The chances are very slim that one cycle will yield a fertilized embryo with those numbers. The doctor thinks we will need 2-4 cycles. We had known that it would cost a lot of money but didn’t expect to get the news that we will need multiple cycles. We are paying out of pocket for everything and Mikey is on a fixed income since he is in the army and he pays a substantial amount of child support to his ex wife every month for their two sons so while we live comfortably and have the space in our home and hearts for a baby of our own, we just would love a little bit of help getting through the IVF portion so that we can focus more on providing a wonderful life for our new little one. We are incredibly loving people with 4 beautiful children who we absolutely adore and bringing a baby of our own into our wonderful, blended family would really complete our lives and make our dreams come true.

Any help towards that is greatly appreciated and would mean the world to us.

Thank you for your time in reading this. And for giving us the opportunity to share our story. We’re very grateful. 🖤

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $160.00 January 21, 2024